Chapter 9 - Niall

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We had driven through Manhattan, to the Atlantic Coast. When the stylist I had hired put Victoria in the limo, she was breathtaking. She and Josh had picked out the perfect dress, and her hair was beautiful. Since she had a blindfold on, I told her we were in a limo, but I wouldn't tell her anything else.

When we got to our destination, I helped Victoria out of the car and helped her walk the few feet to the edge of the dock. When I took her blindfold off, her jaw dropped. Exactly the reaction I was going for. I smiled to myself. So far, this was going perfectly. She seemed to like the huge ship covered in white Christmas lights.

We got in a small sailboat, and I paddled over to the ship, which we immediately got on. There was a table set up with dinner already on it. We both sat down and started eating.

"You look beautiful," I told her, smiling.

She blushed as she murmured, "Thanks," with a smile, " This is amazing. You really didn't have to do all his for me!"

I thought about that and said, "Yes, I did. I haven't had a girlfriend or been on a date in years! I wanted to make this special!" She smiled and I added, "I've always said that I was waiting for my princess, but I liked you so much, I wanted to take a chance on you." Now I was smiling.

"Hm," she leaned over the table and kissed me. I kissed her back, and soon, it got pretty heated, so I pulled back not wanting it to go any farther than just a kiss. But I grabbed her hand under the table to show her that I regretted it. We intertwined our fingers, and I thought, Oh, what the hell, if it starts to get too heated, then I'll stop! so I stood up, came around the table, and started kissing her again. I picked her up, and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I walked back over to my side of the table and sat down with her in my lap. My tongue traced her lips, asking for permission, and entrance was granted.

We made out for several minutes before I pulled away. She gave me a questioning look, so I just winked as I carried her back over to her seat, and then I walked back to my own.

I sat down and started the speech I had been practicing all day. "Victoria, I like you a lot, and I'm not really sure how to express that, but I'm gonna give it my best shot," I started with a smile, "Ok, so, I remember that first day we met, when you were seeing your cousin for the first time in nine years, and I felt like I was intruding on, like, a sacred moment or something," we both laughed as I continued, "but we've grown really close over the last few months, and we've had so much fun. By the way, you have to remind me to thank Harry and Josh for those dares," we both smiled as we remembered Harry's dare for us to make out and Josh's dare for me to ask her on this date, "You look so amazing tonight, and I was wondering, would you like to be my girlfriend?"

Author's Note: If you're confused, the boat is kinda like the one in John Tucker Must Die. If you haven't seen that... sorry, I couldn't find any good pictures :/

Also, sorry it's so short! But I wanted to stop here, so the answer and what comes after could be in Victoria's POV!


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