Chapter 2 - Niall

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"We packed a picnic," Ben said as the four of us walked down to the pond in the middle of the community park.

"And we brought your favorite; peanut butter on a hamburger bun!" Josh added, looking at Victoria.

That's so weird; peanut butter on a hamburger bun is my favorite, too!

I was thinking about my ex-girlfriend, Lily, when I was pulled from my thoughts, "So, Niall, are you staying here the whole summer?" Victoria asked.

She reminded me so much of Lily, who had broken up with me because I couldn't balance my time between her and the band. I tried, though, I really did. I flew home every time we had more than one day off, and once she graduated high school, I payed for her to come on tour with us. But none of it worked. It wasn't enough for her.

"Yeah," I smiled, even though it was so hard with the resemblance. The long, bleach-blonde hair. The piercing, blue eyes. The tall, thin frame. I had always liked girls who were shorter than me, which was hard considering I'm pretty short, but Lily was a little less than two meters (six feet) tall; almost thirteen centimeters (five inches) taller than me! And it seemed as if Victoria was almost two meters (six feet) tall, also.

"Where are you from?"

"Mullingar. In the center of Ireland. And Josh already told me about you," I said with a smile.

"That I'm from here, but after the whole thing, my parents and I moved to Atlanta, Georgia in America?" She waved her arms around when she said "thing," which I thought was cute.

We ate a late lunch, and then we went for a swim in the pond.

"I don't have a bathing suit," she looked at me nervously before adding, "but that's okay because my bra is practically made out of bathing suit material, and I can keep my shorts on." God, I loved her American accent.

"Can I ask you a sort of awkward question?"

"Sure! I don't have anything to hide!" she told me with a smile.

"Well, if you're from England, how do you have an American accent?"

"Because I moved to America before I hit puberty, so my accent changed, easily, after I had been there for a couple years." I just nodded, embarrassed that I hadn't realized that on my own.

I had met hundreds of thousands of girls on tour! Why was I so flustered by this one?! I would guess that it's because she reminds me of Lily, but I never got this flustered around my girl-- ex-girlfriend.

After splashing each other for about a half hour (There wasn't much else to do since the pond wasn't very deep.), we got out. Well, I got out. I was in a fun mood, so I decided to play a prank on them. I took all their clothes. They didn't notice, as they were distracted by the ongoing splashing. I hid the clothes in the woods next to the pond and threw my shirt on. I walked back over and sat down waiting for them to come out. I didn't have to wait too long because it was starting to get dark, so they were getting chilly. After about fifteen minutes, they came back to me looking for their clothes.

"Niall, where're our clothes?" Victoria asked, shivering. I felt bad, so I jumped up and almost hugged her.

I turned to Josh and Ben and said, "You'll have to look for them," then I turned back to Victoria and said, "but if you'd like to warm up, you're welcome to," and I opened my arms for a hug. She hesitated, but she was freezing, so she came into my arms. I then mouthed to Josh, "In the woods," as I nestled my head into her shoulder and rubbed her back. People always say I give the best hugs, so I figured a Horan Hug would be a good way to mesmerize her.


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