Chapter 5 - Victoria

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3 Months Later~

*the sun goes down, the stars come out...* My phone rings in the middle of my psychology course. The professor gives me a stern look as I look at my phone to see that it's Josh, but I decline the call. I'll call him back after class.

*ring ring... ring ring... ring ring* It rang three times before he picked up. "Hello?"

"Niall? What are you doing on Josh's phone?"

"Nothing. He's fixing his car, so he asked me to pick up."

"Oh, ok, well, I was just calling him back. I was in class, so I couldn't pick up."

"Josh!! It's Victoria!" I heard Niall yell on the other end.

"Ok, just a sec!!" I heard Josh in the background. 

I heard Niall hand the phone over to Josh, and after a few seconds, I was talking to Josh, "Hey, Vic! So the band and I are heading over to America again for a few more concerts. They'll span next month, December, and January. And I was just wondering if you wanted to join us on tour? Paul and the boys said it's fine." Who's Paul? Well, I guess I would find that out if I went!

"Oh, Josh, you know I'd love to, but I can't skip my classes!"

"We have a tutor on the tour bus with us for the boys, and I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you joined!"

"Well, then I guess I just have to come!" I said with a laugh. I was actually looking forward to seeing Niall again. Obviously, I also wanted to meet the other boys, and I wanted to see Josh again. But, you know, the heart wants what the heart wants. Whoah, did I really just say that? About Niall? The one who hid my clothes for a hug? The one who kissed me after only knowing me for a day? I think I need some rest.

"Well, we should be getting to America around the middle of November, so we'll just pick you up, and you'll live with us on the tour bus!" I could hear the smile in his voice.

I was straightening my hair when my phone vibrated on the counter. I leaned over to see who the text was from. Josh. It said, "we're outside ur house. wow u have a lot of fans on ur street, i cant believe u never heard of them, hurry up, we're getting swarmed."

I clicked the "call back" button, "Josh, I'm not quite ready. There're outlets on the bus, right? I can finish straightening my hair?"

"Of course! Now, hurry up, and get your ass out here!"

I grabbed my straightener, suitcase, phone, and purse, and hightailed it out of there. I gave my suitcase to the strong guy who was waiting at my door, probably their security guard. I hopped on the bus and went straight to an outlet. Half of my hair was straight, and the other half was frizzy as hell! An hour later, when my hair was perfect, well, as perfect as it gets, I went to the back of the bus to find all the boys asleep. Hm, who should I get first? That was easy. I jumped on top of Niall, and he woke with a start.

"Hey, is there any whipped cream on the bus?" I didn't have a feather, but my hair would do just fine.

"No," he said with a frown.

Hm, this had happened once before, at my friend's house. We had used honey instead. "How about honey?"


"Perfect. Go get it?" He got the honey, and we poured it into Josh's open hand (both, just to be safe), and then I tickled his nose with my hair. He immediately smacked himself in the face with his honey-covered hand. NIall and I ran away, laughing.

Once Josh woke up, Niall woke up the rest of the boys (nicely) and introduced them to me.

"I'm bored!" Louis (Well, I think it was Louis.) complained.

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