Chapter 21 - Victoria

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OH MY GOD WHAT AM I DOING? I pulled away, standing there with wide eyes, like a deer in headlights. Why did I do that? It's not like I forgive him! What was I thinking?! I must be going crazy. I quickly ran out of the kitchen but I guess not quick enough because I soon felt Niall's hand on my wrist.

"Look, I'm sorry, Vic. Clearly, you're not going to believe me, but I really didn't kiss her. SHE took my phone and texted you. SHE pinned me against the wall. And SHE kissed me. I would've pushed her off if I could but I didn't have time! I don't know what else you want me to do. You don't have to believe me but I'm telling the truth," he added quietly. I noticed a lone tear falling down his cheek and he quickly made his way out the front door. I followed behind him, though, so, of course, he slammed the door, but, I ran out after him. He turned around, "What do you want? You're the one who dumped me, remember? I already did my share of running after you. I kinda took a plane back here just for you. I get it, okay? You don't want me back. Just let me go."

I was in shock, "I can't."


"Nothing. Can we just start over?"

It was his turn to be in shock. "Uh, sure," he paused, "Hi, I'm Niall."

"I'm Victoria, but people call me Vic," I smiled and shook his hand.

"Do you wanna come into my cousin's house?" I asked and pointed to the house at the same time that he asked, "Do you wanna come into my best friend's house?" so we both started giggling as we made our way back into the house, holding hands.

"Are you guys back together?!" Ben asked excitedly, looking at our entertwined fingers.

We both turned to look at each other before answering. We just smiled at each other and nodded with our eyes locked. "You could say that," Niall added.

I noticed Jasmine's face drop, so I said, "Hey, you've known him for a day. This boy's mine," jokingly, and she cracked a smile. I dropped Niall's hand a sat next to her, "Hey, maybe we can even be friends, who knows?" I nudged her shoulder.

"Why don't we all go out for a celebratory dinner?" Ben suggested.

"As long as it's Nando's," Niall piped up. Gah, how could you not love that boy?! Yeah, yeah, hypocritical of me, blah, blah, well I still loved him, he just betrayed me!

We (Ben, Michael, Jasmine, Niall, and I) all piled into Ben's car and made our way to the nearest Nando's. Niall and I couldn't keep our hands off of each other, though. I'm pretty sure I heard "get a room" at least six times during the ten minute drive. "Hey, not our fault Ben has a tiny car," we took turns saying each time.


Author's Note: So um sorry it's short. Sorry the story as a whole is short. I'm just not good at elaborating and making my stories long. Well, I hope you liked it anyway! And I wasn't planning on ending it so soon but I figured this is a good place to end it so I don't know... I hope you like it :) Now that this is done, I can work on Love? Or Just Stupidity? yay!

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