Chapter 8 - Victoria

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Author's Note: I know that the last chapter was Victoria's POV, but when I tried to write this one in Niall's POV, everything that I wanted to say had to be from Victoria's POV, so I'm just gonna have two in a row be in Victoria's POV, and hopefully, the next chapter will be in Niall's POV, but I can't promise anything. I will just do it however it flows, and there won't be a pattern anymore.


Niall had told me that the date was gonna be a surprise. Ugh, I was not thrilled to hear that, especially since all the boys knew what it was!

Niall had Josh take me out to get an outfit. It's not fair; I didn't even know what I could wear! Oh, and Niall insisted on paying for the outfit, even though I was sure he was paying for a VERY expensive date.

The tour bus drove to New York City, and Josh took me to SoHo in Manhattan. I had heard that it was one of the fashion capitals of the world, and apparently, Josh had, too.

We walked in and out of stores, looking for the perfect outfit. I tried on so many different things. They were always too big, too small, wrong color, too long, too short (Josh made sure I didn't get anything too short.), wrong style. Whatever it was, there was always something wrong with the outfit.

When we finally found the perfect outfit, after searching for hours, Josh got a little overexcited. He was helping me close off the outfit and squealed (yes, like a girl) when we both realized just how perfect it was. Well, it got a little awkward when the saleswoman, whose name, according to her name tag, was Alynsa, exclaimed, "You guys are such a cute couple!"

I could feel myself blushing as Josh explained, "Actually, she's my cousin. My best friend is taking her out on a surprise date tonight, and he asked me to help her find the perfect outfit."

She looked embarrassed as she said, "Oh, sorry," and then she came over and whispered in my ear, "Well, if he looks anything like your cousin, you're a pretty lucky girl," and she walked away with a smile.

It was a little weird to hear that my cousin was goodlooking, but I knew that I was a lucky girl, even though Niall doesn't look like him at all. Niall is very goodlooking, plus, he's a great guy.

When Josh finished with the clasp and zipper, I looked in the mirror with a smile on my face. I knew this was the one. "This is it." That was all I said, but before he could undo the zipper and clasp, I examined myself in the mirror. The dress was perfect. It wasn't too long, and it wasn't too short. And it was my favorite color! It flowed down to my knees, and it had spaghetti straps. The bust was a dark purple, but not too dark. I thought it was perfect, afterall, it had been my favorite color for the past seven years. The rest of the dress was black. Oh, and there was a line of silver glitter along the seam, between the purple and black. I fell in love with it as soon as I had seen it on the rack, but I needed to try it on first. Who knew if it would look as good on me as it did on the mannequin? I hate to sound vain, and I never say anything like this, but I think it looked a little better on me than on the mannequin! That's always when I know somethings perfect.

I was surprised at the price. I mean, I wasn't expecting it to be say, fifty dollars, but come on! Three hundred dollars for that dress? What's it made of? Silk? I had expected it to be maybe $120-$170. I really felt bad that Niall was paying, but I didn't exactly have the money to pay him back for it, and my parents would never give me the money for something like that.

I just spent the last four hours in a hotel room. Niall hired someone to meet me there to do my hair. He had googled some nice hairstyles, so the hairdresser could surprise me. She took about an hour and a half to straighten and then curl my hair, and then do a waterfall braid on the left side. She then did my makeup with a purple eyeshadow to match my dress. I went into the other part of the room to change into my dress, and once I was (almost) completely ready, the hairdresser touched up my hair that had gotten messed up when I slipped on the dress. After, she carefully put a blindfold over my eyes, careful not mess up my hair or makeup. She walked me to the elevator, and I was a little whobbly since I was walking in black, five inch heels, without being able to see, but I didn't fall. She pressed a button, which I'm assuming was the button for the lobby.  When we got there, she walked me outside (I could feel the air change), and pushed me into a car seat.

Someone grabbed my hand, and I quickly turned around, "Who is that?"

"It's just Niall. You can't take your blindfold off yet, but in case you're wondering, we're in a stretch limo. When it's time to take your blindfold off, I'll do it," I could hear the smile in his voice.

We drove for what felt like hours, probably because I wanted to know everything so badly. Eventually, the limo came to a stop. I heard Niall's door open and him getting out. Next thing I knew, my door was opening, and Niall grabbed my hand. I carefully stepped out, and he walked me over a few feet. Once we stopped, he took the blindfold off.

My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe what I was saw. 


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