Chapter 10 - Victoria

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"You look so amazing tonight, and I was wondering, would you like to be my girlfriend?"

I couldn't remember the last time I had been so happy. Was it when I had convinced Josh to play dress up with me when I was seven? I chuckled at the memory and snapped back to reality. There was a question at bay. Obviously I wanted to say yes. But I felt a little rushed. Yeah, we had known each other for several months at this point, but this was our first date. Plus, I couldn't say yes without Josh's approval. I know, I know, he's not the boss of me, but I think of him as a protective older brother, and since he and Niall are best friends, he would know if Niall's good enough for me.

"Hmmmm," I joke, trying to hide my nervousness, "Um, does Josh know about this?"

"Mhmm," Niall grinned.

"And... what does he think?"

"Well, he wasn't thrilled; he doesn't want his baby sister growing up, but he gave me permission to ask. In fact, he wanted me to ask. It was really weird. He was, like, having an argument with himself!" Niall laughed at his encounter with the best brother in the world, "'She's so young! But they'd be so cute together! She's my baby sister! But he's my best friend and I know he's great! She's not ready! But he's just so amazingly perfect and i love him to death and I know she will too!'" He mimicked Josh.

"Okay, now you're just making stuff up!" I teased him.

"Maybe, maybe not," he winked.

I giggled, but I tried to calm down as I gave him an answer. Sort of, "Well, Nialler, you know I really like you, and you have no idea how hard it is for me to do this, but I can't say yes," his face immediately turned into a frown, and I quickly continued, "but that doesn't mean I'm saying no! I just, I wanna talk to Josh. I know he gave you permission for this, but can we talk to him together? You said he doesn't feel completely comfortable with this, and I really want him to."

He seemed to perk up a little, but he still seemed down for the rest of the night.

On the sailboat ride back to the dock, I leaned over and gave Niall a peck on the forhead. I whispered to him, "Do you think it's too late to talk to Josh tonight?"

He looked at his watch, "It's 1 AM, so probably, but if he's not available around the clock for his little sister, what kind of big brother is he?!" He teased.

He was so cute. It took everything I had not to fling my arms around him and just scream, "YES!" I realized I had been staring into the water, so I turned back towards him and said, "Let's go seem him tonight. I wanna get this over with and just tell you yes!"

Everything. Everything. It's taking everything I have. Everything I have not to do it. Oh, forget it! I jumped on him, my lips falling onto his. Next thing I knew, we were in the water. Oops, I guess my spontaneous jump tipped the boat. We weren't that far from the dock, so we just swam the last 6 meters (about 20 feet). I figured Niall would have someone get the boat.

Once we were on the dock, I was shivering. I could feel my teeth my rattling, and my entire body was shaking. Niall was too, and I felt terrible when he took his jacket off put it around my shoulders. I couldn't take it, but it felt so good. Ohhh, warmth!

We took the limo back to the tour bus. We walked to the back of the bus and said in unison, "Josh, can we talk to you?"


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