Chapter 6 - Niall

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I watched her walk back to the boys. She is so beautiful. I can't believe I ever compared her to Lily. She's a million times better. In every way you could think of.

"Niall, truth or dare?" Victoria asked me. We had gone back to the game after everything was settled between us. Well, not everything. I still had a question for her.

"Um, dare."

"I'm debating between two," she said with a laugh, "Okay, the next time we come to a stop in front of a crowd, I dare you to stand in front of the bus, take your shirt off, and give it to the first girl you see."

We continued the game while we waited for a crowd. "Josh, truth or dare?"

"Truth. Wait, no, dare."

"I dare you to play the rest of the game in nothing but your boxers." He made me do that once before when we played truth or dare. I figured it was payback time.

"Zayn, truth or dare?" Josh asked.


"I dare you to go on... Vic, what's that roller coaster called at Six Flags?"

"Kingda Ka?"

"Yeah, that one. I dare you to go on Kingda Ka when we're in New Jersey." Zayn had a fear of heights, so I knew this would be funny. 

"Liam, truth or dare?"

"Dare," Liam replied to Zayn.

"I dare you to use a spoon at dinner, tonight." Oh, no. This had turned into daring each other to face our fears.

"I knew I should've said 'truth!'" Liam exclaimed, "Harry, truth or dare?"

"Truth." Finally, a truth!

"Have you ever dated a girl your own age?" We all knew the answer, but we liked to tease him about his habit of dating older women.

"I think so," he pretended to think, "I think I had a girlfriend when I was thirteen. And she was only a month older than me!" We all laughed.

"Victoria, truth or dare?"

"Dare," she responded, nervously. I was nervous, too. Only an idiot wouldn't realize that he was obviously gonna make us do something.

"I dare you to make out with Niall, behind the curtain, in ten minutes."

9 minutes later ~

"Josh, truth or dare?" Zayn asked.

"Um, I'm not so sure this is a smart choice after what I've seen, but... dare."

Zayn smiled slyly at Harry as he said, "I dare you to watch Victoria and Niall make out behind the curtain." Oh, no. Not good. Josh was about to watch his best friend, aka ME, make out with his cousin, who was practically his sister. Did Zayn and Harry wanna get me killed?!

Harry added, "Oh look! It's been ten minutes! Go time!" and he pushed the three of toward the front of the bus.

"Josh, just don't watch," I whispered to him.

"Why don't you just not do it?"

I looked at Victoria, embarrassed, "I want to," I mumbled. He turned away, which I took as permission. I turned to Victoria, cupped her face in my hands, and placed my lips on hers. And this time, I really meant it.


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