Chapter 13 - Niall

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We drove back to the hotel and went straight to bed. Well, I didn't exactly go to sleep. I stayed up for a while. Just thinking. I thought about our conversations on the plane. One stood out to me. The most important one. I played that one over and over again in my mind. Until I was thinking about it without even realizing it.

"Vic, I need to talk to you," I had started.

"Sure, what is it, babe?" She seemed nervous. I know; that's not a good way to start a relationship conversation, but I wasn't sure how else to do it.

"Well, the fans don't know about our relationship, so we need to talk about when and how we'll make our relationship public. If we do!" It felt good to get that off my chest. She let out a big sigh when I said that, and I couldn't imagine why; that topic was pretty nerve-wracking for me! But I continued, "If you don't want to, we won't! We really don't have to! It's all up to you!" I smiled anxiously. 

"Of course it's fine with me!" She had told me. She hadn't seemed nervous at all. 

"Are you sure? 'Cause we don't have to!" Now that I think about it, I think I seemed a little too jumpy. 

"Yes, I'm sure! Now, how? Do you wanna just do it over twitter?" 

"Sure," I had agreed. It seemed better than doing it in an interview. Just getting it over with. No backing out. That's it. Out there.

"Okay, I'm really tired, so we can do it in the morning."

"Of course." 

The next morning, I was woken up by a very hyper Victoria jumping on the bed. "I didn't know I was dating an eight-year old," I teased her as I got out of bed. She stuck her tongue out at me, so I added, "Not helping your case!" with a smile.

"Whatever!" She plopped down next to me on the bed, handing me my laptop. "Just log onto twitter! It's time to go public!"

Oh. Right. I had forgotten about that. I knew Victoria would get hate. That's why I was so nervous. I also knew that she didn't realize she would get hate. Otherwise, she obviously wouldn't be so excited about this.

I logged on and she immediately snatched the laptop right back out of my hands. She clicked 'New Tweet.'

@NiallOfficial: I love my beautiful, amazing, wonderful girlfriend @RealVicB!

"How's that?" she asked with a wink and an adorable giggle.

I hit 'post,' and we watched my mentions blow up.

She opened the twitter app on her phone and looked at her mentions as I looked at mine. 

@iwantlouscarrot: @NiallOfficial you could do soo much better than @RealVicB

@ilovenialler: @RealVicB you don't deserve @NiallOfficial

@1Dismine: @NiallOfficial @RealVicB Viall? ha nice couple name...

I thought to myself, "Um, no. That would be disappointing. Our couple name would be Nictoria," as I continued reading.

@whenniallsmilesismile: awww you guys are just too cute! @NiallOfficial @RealVicB

I turned to show her that one, but I saw her crumpled on the floor with her phone laying next to her.

I sat beside her and turned her face so she was facing me. I wiped away the hot tears that were falling down her face, but she swatted my hand away. I grabbed her face with both of my hands and leaned in for a kiss, but she jumped up and ran out of the room. I chased after her and grabbed her arm. I pulled her back to me, and we sat on the ground with her in my lap.

"Baby, don't listen to what they say! All that matters is that I love you! They're just jealous!" She started crying harder.

"But they're right! You could do better than me! I don't deserve you!" she mumbled into my shoulder.

"No! They're wrong! They don't know you! How could they even know if you deserve me?! For all they know, I don't deserve you!!"

"So? They don't know me! That doesn't mean they aren't right!"

"But they aren't!" I started rubbing circles on her back. She lifted her face off my shoulder to look me in the eyes. I took that chance to kiss her, "Let's just forget about this, okay?" She nodded, and the tears started to subside. "Why don't we watch a movie? You pick?"

She nodded again and said, "Erm, how about Mean Girls?" Oh, gosh. I hate that movie, but anything to make my girl happy.

"Of course!" She found it on demand as I made popcorn --yes, popcorn for breakfast--, and we cuddled on the couch as she pressed play.

I could tell that the movie made her feel better because at the end, her tears were dried, and she had a smile plastered on her face.

"Hey, you remember my friend, Cher?" I asked her.


"Yeah! Okay, I want you to listen to one of her songs. Hang on, lemme find it."

"Swagger jagger, swagger jagger, you should get some of your own...," the song started.

"Niall, what is this?" Victoria questioned me with a bored look on her face.

"Just listen to it, and I'll explain after," and I kissed her on the nose as the song continued. 

When the song ended, she turned to me and asked, "What was that?" She didn't seem to dislike the song; she just wanted to know why.

"It's directed towards haters. Don't listen to them," I explained with a wink.

"Thanks, Nialler," she said, and I pulled her in for a tight hug. Then, she pulled out her phone and typed something, but before I could ask what she was doing, my phone beeped.

It said that @RealVicB had tweeted, so I clicked on the notification, and twitter opened.

@RealVicB: Haters can't phase me. 

I looked up at her to see a smile spread across her face.


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