Chapter 1: One Last Try

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One last try. I'm giving life one last try. I recorded 12 tapes. I started with Justin. Then Jessica. Who each broke my heart. Alex, Tyler, Courtney, Marcus, who each helped destroy my reputation. On through Zach and Ryan... who broke my spirit. Through tape number 12... Bryce Walker... who broke my soul. But a funny thing happened as I finished number 12. I felt something... shift. I had poured it all out... and for a minute... just a minute... I felt like maybe I could beat this. I decided to give life one more chance. But this time, I was asking for help... because I know I can't do it alone. I know that now. Of course, if you're listening to this, I failed. Or he failed, and my fate is sealed. A few days after I recorded tape 12, I saw Bryce in the hallway.

Marcus Cole: (P.A.) And congrats to our Liberty Tigers on their first win of the season! Game ball goes to Bryce Walker, 12 catches and two touchdowns!

I thought I could never show my face at that school again. Everything was dark for days. But then... just a little flash of light. A flash of light, and you think, maybe...

Today, 17 year old Hannah Baker has decided to end her own life. A week ago, Hannah Baker was raped by a boy from her school, Liberty High School. The boy is the most popular at Liberty and his name is Bryce Walker. Hannah couldn't take it anymore: The slut shaming, the harassment from other boys, the rumors being spread, the betrayal from her so called friends, the rape was the final straw. Her soul had been broken, and it was at that moment she decided that no one will ever hurt her ever again. Rather than leaving behind a not, Hannah recorded 13 tapes to explain why she took her own life. 12 People, 13 sides of the story, 13 Reason Why Hannah Baker killed herself. Today is October 9th, 2017, for Tape 13, she decided to give life one more chance, Hannah went to school where she would take one last look at all students at Liberty High. As she is at her locker, Bryce makes his way inside the school where he is being greeted and celebrated by the students of Liberty for leading the Liberty Tigers Football teamto victory last Friday night. Bryce spots Hannah and winks at her. Fear is all Hannah could feel when he winked at her. After Bryce leaves, Clay Jensen comes up to her. Clay & Hannah have been friends ever since they've met last summers when they first started working at The Crestmont Movie Theatre. Both of them have feelings for each other, but they haven't told one another. Lately, their relationship has been stained after the night of Jessica Davis' a couple of weeks ago.

Clay Jensen: I feel like, as a society, our priorities are all out of whack, you know?

Hannah Baker: Yeah. Clay...

Clay Jensen: What?

Hannah wanted to tell everything: What she saw Bryce do to Jessica, who's responsible for Clay's friend, Jeff Atkins' death, what Bryce did to her, how she feels about him...

Hannah Baker: Never mind. I'll see you in Bradley's.

But she didn't. Her mind was made up. She closes her locker and heads towards the office where she has set up a meeting with the school's counselor, Kevin Porter. Mr. Porter welcomes her into his office as she takes a seat in front of his desk as he takes on as well.

Kevin Porter: I was glad to see you on my calendar.

Hannah Baker: Why?

Kevin Porter: I'm just glad you made an appointment to come talk. So, uh... what's on your heart today?

Hannah Baker: Well, uh... just everything, I guess.

Kevin Porter: Okay, every... everything, huh? Everything is a lot. Why don't we start with how you're feeling right now.

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