Chapter 2: Hannah Meets The Doctor

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The old man was starting to regain consciences as he rolls over and opens his eyes as he sees a teenage girl pointing a bottle of vodka at him.

Hannah Baker: Who the fuck are you? What the fuck is that thing? And why the fuck are you in my home?

The old man grunts as he sits up.

The Doctor: Is that how you greet your guest?

Hannah Baker: Fuck you, you're not a guest! You are an intruder!

The Doctor: For that, I apologize. I didn't mean to come here, I was suppose to arrive at London. Not even that hit you gave me couldn't help me remember what I was missing.

The old man gets back up as Hannah continues to point the bottle of vodka at him.

The Doctor: Young lady, you're a little young to drink don't you think?

Hannah Baker: I'm not gonna drink it, I'm gonna bash you with it again if you don't answer my question!

The Doctor: I'm The Doctor.

Hannah Baker: Doctor Who?

The Doctor: Just The Doctor.

Hannah Baker: So you're name is The Doctor?

The Doctor: Duh.

Hannah Baker: And what the fuck is that thing and why is it bigger on the inside?

The Doctor: First off, language! Second, it's my ship.

Hannah Baker: Ship?

The Doctor: My spaceship.

Hannah could not believe what she is hearing?

Hannah Baker: Wait... so what are you?

The Doctor: Why don't you come in and find out.

The Doctor enters the blue box while rubbing the back of his head. Hannah follows him inside as she still cannot believe what she is seeing. The Doctor takes out a ice pack and puts it on the back of his head.

The Doctor: Thank goodness that hit didn't trigger my regeneration.

Hannah Baker: What is this?

The Doctor: It's called The TARDIS, Time And Relative Dimension In Space. It's a spaceship & a time machine.

Hannah Baker: What?

The Doctor: Yeah, it's both a spaceship & a time machine.

Hannah Baker: Time machine?

The Doctor: It can travel anywhere in the universe. All of time, all of space.

Hannah Baker: Are you a...?

The Doctor: Alien, yes. I'm a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey. We're time travelers, we travel through and space and protect the space time continuum.

Hannah looks around the TARDIS console room and sees some book shelves, chalk boards, and desks.

Hannah Baker: How is it...?

The Doctor: Bigger on the inside? It's like a pocket dimension, it can change it's outer dimensions and inner layout, impregnable, & telepathic.

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