Chapter 4: Enter, Clay Jensen

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Hannah had just left the TARDIS as The Doctor takes off. The Doctor turns on the monitor on the TARDIS console and watches over Hannah. He sees that Hannah's parents had arrived home and that Hannah didn't go through with it. The Doctor took it upon himself to go back a couple of hours. The Doctor followed Hannah around after she got of school. He followed Hannah to Tony Padilla's house where she dropped off the copies of the tapes on the front porch. After Hannah left, The Doctor sneaks around the front porch and grabs the tapes before Tony can even come out to get them. He then follows Hannah to the post office where she is mailing the tapes to Justin Foley. The Doctor enters the post office and sees Hannah gave the tapes to a post officer. After Hannah leaves, The Doctor goes up to the post officer.

The Doctor: Hello there, I'll take that from you.

Post Officer: Who are you?

The Doctor takes out his psychic paper and shows it to the post officer.

Post Officer: Department of Homeland Security?

The Doctor: Yes, that's what it says. I'm here making rounds, making sure that there's no anthrax or something like that. I'll deal with this, takes the stress off of you.

Post Officer: Ok?

The post officer give The Doctor the tapes with confusion as he heads back to the TARDIS. The Doctor takes off as he inserts tape 1 into the console of the TARDIS and presses play.

Hannah Baker: Hey, it's Hannah. Hannah Baker. Don't adjust your... whatever device you're hearing this on. It's me, live and in stereo. No return engagements, no encore, and this time, absolutely no requests. Get a snack. Settle in. Because I'm about to tell you the story of my life. More specifically, why my life ended. And if you're listening to this tape... you're one of the reasons why. I'm not saying which tape brings you into the story. But fear not, if you received this lovely little box, your name will pop up. I promise.

The Doctor listens on to all the tapes. As he listens to the tapes one by one, he hears some of the things that Hannah never told him about. Hannah never told him about Jessica & Alex, Tyler stalking her by taking pictures from outside her bedroom, window, Courtney throwing her under the bus at Winter Formal, her Valentine's date with Marcus, Zach taking her compliments. But most importantly, she never told him about her relationship with Clay Jensen. She told him that he was a friend, but never told him that she has feelings for him.

Hannah Baker: I wanted you to do everything you were doing... so I don't know why my mind took me everywhere else. And I thought of every other guy. And they all became you. Part of me was saying... "Please don't leave." Part of me never wanted to see you again. But you walked out the door... like I told you to. Why did you have to leave? It was the worst thing ever. And then it got worse. Clay... Helmet... your name does not belong on this list. But you need to be here if I'm going to tell my story. If I'm going to explain why I did what I did. Because you aren't every other guy. You're different. You're good and kind... and decent. And I didn't deserve to be with someone like you. I never would. I would have ruined you. It wasn't you. It was me... and everything that's happened to me.

The Doctor: Poor kids. She didn't deserve this.

The Doctor continues to listen on as he reaches to tape 12, Bryce Walker. He already knew what Bryce did to her, but to listen to every detail of what happened, The Doctor now understands why Hannah wanted to end her own life, he then listened to last tape. Reason 13, Mr. Porter.

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