Chapter 16: Back To The Future

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Hannah Baker was touched by a Weeping Angel and sent back in time, but when & where? Hannah found herself in the back alley of The Crestmont, but the mural painting on the building was gone. Hannah was confused, but then remembered that The Doctor told her that the Weeping Angels send people back in time to feed of their potential energy. Hannah begins wondering around Evergreen County as she begins to ask a police officer who was walking around town.

Hannah Baker: Excuse me, officer. What year is it?

Police Officer: What year is it? It's 2002.

Hannah couldn't believe that she was sent back 15 years in the past. Meanwhile in the present, The Doctor & the others begin mourning for Hannah.

The Doctor: The Weeping Angels send people back in time and feed on their potential energy. She's not dead, that we know of.

Jessica Davis: Where is she then?

The Doctor: Not where, when.

Tony Padilla: When?

The Doctor: Who knows how far they've taken her. 20 years, 30 years, maybe 50 years in the past. It's hard to know. Last time I tried to go back was when they took Rory. It wouldn't let me at first.

Clay Jensen: I think I might know what year she ended up.

Everyone looks at Clay with a confused expression on their faces. Back in 2002, Hannah makes her way to Eisenhower Park as she sits down on a bench.

I'm stuck in 2002. How am I suppose to get back? Does everyone think that I'm dead?

In 2002, Hannah is only 2 years old and was living in another town. She looks at the playground as she sees kids playing around with their parents watching over them. A little boy approaches Hannah as he tries to comfort Hannah. The little boy just smiles at her.

Hannah Baker: Hey, little guy.

Little Boy: Hi.

Hannah Baker: Where's your mommy?

Laine Jensen: Clay.

A woman approaches Hannah as she calls out her son's name. Hannah was shocked to find out that the little boy was none other than a 2 year old Clay Jensen.

Holy shit! Clay?

Laine Jensen: I'm so sorry. Clay here is trying to make friends.

Hannah Baker: I don't mind. Hello, Clay.

Clay Jensen (2 Year Old): Hi.

Clay Jensen: I remember meeting her when I was a kid.

Clay explains to everyone how all of a sudden, he remembers meeting Hannah in the past.

Clay Jensen: I was only 2. That was 15 years ago.

Tony Padilla: 15 Years ago?

Courtney Crimsen: If you've met her 15 years ago, how have you not recognize her before?

The Doctor: Time travel, it can be confusing.

Clay Jensen: When I met her last year at The Crestmont, she looked familiar. I didn't know where I've seen her before. But now I do.

Jessica Davis: So she's alive?

Clay Jensen: Yeah, she's alive.

The Doctor: For now.

Back in 2002.

Hannah Baker: My name is Hannah.

Clay Jensen (2 Year Old): Clay.

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