Chapter 17: Hannah To The Rescue

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The police have arrive to Liberty High in the present. They begin firing their gun at the Cybermen as the machines fire back. While the shooting is going on outside of the school, The Doctor along with the students and staff of Liberty are still imprisoned on the Cybermen ship. The Cybermen begin turning some of the students & staff into Cybermen. A Cyberman enters a room where The Doctor, Clay, & the others are being held.

Cyberman: It is time for you to be upgraded.

Tyler Down: What does that mean?

The Cyberman opens the cage door and grabs Marcus Cole.

Zach Dempsey: Let him go!

Courtney Crimsen: Marcus!

The teens cannot do anything but watch as the Cyberman closes the door to the cage and inserts Marcus into a pod.

Jessica Davis: What are they doing to him?

The Doctor: Cyber-conversion. They're converting him into a Cyberman.

Justin Foley: They're turning him into one of them?

The Doctor: He will no longer be human. He'll be pretty much dead.

The Cyberman completes the Cyber-conversion as the pod opens up to reveal that Marcus Cole has been turned into a Cyberman.

Clay Jensen: Oh, my god!

Sheri Holland: We're next!

Back on the surface, the police continue fighting off the Cyberman as they now begin to attack the town of Evergreen County. In that moment, Hannah Baker arrives as she finds herself back at Liberty in the hallway.

Hannah Baker: I'm back. I am back in the right time line, right?

Kevin Porter: Hannah?

Hannah turns around to see Mr. Porter. Porter is all bandaged up with blood stains on his head.

Hannah Baker: Mr. Porter? What happened?

Kevin Porter: They've taken almost everybody. All that's left are Coach Patrick, Mrs. Bradley, & some of the student. They're hiding in the school's basement? They've taken the rest.

Hannah Baker: What happened to you?

Kevin Porter: My office.

Hannah follows Porter into his office. Once they've enter his office.

Hannah Baker: Mr. Porter, about yesterday...

Kevin Porter: You really had me worried. I thought you were thinking about hurting yourself.

Mr. Porter sits down at his desk as Hannah sits down across from him.

Hannah Baker: Bryce Walker raped me.

Mr. Porter's eyes widen as Hannah finally told him what she tried to say to him yesterday.

Hannah Baker: And I wasn't the only one. After I left your office yesterday, I was about to take my own life.

Kevin Porter: I'm glad you didn't. Was that what you tried to tell me yesterday?

Hannah Baker: Yes. Thankfully, The Doctor came into my life.

Kevin Porter: You mean Mr. Smith?

Hannah Baker: Yeah. He's actually a alien and has fought those robots before. Have you seen him?

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