Chapter 13: Back At Liberty

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As Clay Jensen searches around the school for Jessica Davis, he finds her at her locker talking with Sheri Holland. Clay approaches them.

Sheri Holland: Hey, Clay.

Clay Jensen: Jessica, I need to talk you. Sheri, we'll talk later.

Jessica Davis: What's up?

Clay Jensen: Can we talk somewhere private?

Jessica Davis: Yeah. I'll talk to you later, Sheri.

Clay Jensen: We'll talk about the stop sign later, Sheri.

Sheri's eyes widen when Clay mentioned the stop sign as she watches them walk off. Meanwhile, Hannah finds Justin hanging out with Bryce Walker, Alex Standall, Zach Dempsey, Montgomery de la Cruz, Marcus Cole, & some of the jocks in the cafeteria. Hannah just freezes when she sees Bryce, but she shakes it off when she approaches them.

Monty de la Cruz: Well look who we've got coming our way.

Alex Standall: Hannah?

Hannah Baker: Justin, I need to talk to you.

Bryce Walker: Ohhhhh, you hear that? Baker wants to talk to Justy.

Everyone ohhh's at Hannah & Justin.

Hannah Baker: Fuck you, guys! Can we go somewhere private?

Justin Foley: Yeah, sure.

Marcus Cole: You better hope Jessica doesn't find out.

Justin gets up as he & Hannah walk out of the cafeteria. In that moment, Jaime Garrison joins the jock table.

Jaime Garrison: Hey, guys. You all up for a pick me up?

Bryce Walker: You know it, Garrison.

Also in the cafeteria, Stephanie joins Courtney Crimsen & Ashley on another table.

Stephanie: Hey, guys.

Ashley: Hey, what that in your ear?

Stephanie: Ear bling. What are you guys right after lunch?

Courtney Crimsen: Class, duh?

Stephanie: You guys wanna have fun after lunch?

Courtney Crimsen: Sure. What kind of fun?

The Doctor followed Tyler Down to the yearbook room. Tyler was developing pictures in the dark room when he hears the door open.

Tyler Down: Did you not see the red light turned on?

The curtain that was in front of the door gets pulled to the side revealing to be The Doctor.

The Doctor: Tyler Down.

Tyler Down: Who are you?

The Doctor takes out his psychic paper and shows it to Tyler.

Tyler Down: Evergreen P.D.?

The Doctor: What? I mean, yes. Evergreen P.D.

Tyler Down: What are you doing here?

The Doctor: I don't know, why don't you tell me? You're the one who who takes picture of girls from outside their windows.

Tyler begins to go pale as he feels like he's been caught.

Tyler Down: I'm sorry, what?

The Doctor: Quite the pictures you take.

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