Chapter 7: The Weeping Angels

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The Doctor, Madam Vastra, & Strax arrive to the abandoned estate where people have disappeared.

The Doctor: So this is where those people encountered the Angels.

Madam Vastra: According to them.

They exit the carriage as they begin to approaching the abandoned estate.

The Doctor: Keep your eyes peeled on any Weeping Angels. You see them, don't look away and don't blink.

Strax: Affirmative, sir.

Strax takes out his blaster riffle as they enter they building. The Doctor takes out a flashlight and hands it over to Madam Vastra while Strax turns on the light on his riffle.

The Doctor: It's real dark in here. Perfect for the Angels to move around.

Madam Vastra: We must stay together.

They look around the building in search for any Weeping Angels. They searched every room but there was no sight of any Angels.

Strax: No Weeping Angels.

The Doctor takes out his sonic screwdriver and scans around.

The Doctor: There were indeed here, but they're gone.

Strax: Where have they gone?

Madam Vastra: Doctor, you did hid the TARDIS?

The Doctor: It camouflaged after we left.

Strax: The Weeping Angels feed of the temporal energy. Doesn't the TARDIS send off energy vibes?

The Doctor: Not when it's camo...

Madam Vastra: What is it Doctor?

The Doctor starting thinking back to his past encounters with the Weeping Angels.

The Doctor: The first time I've encountered them was when Martha Jones was with me, they were after the TARDIS. They knew were to find us. They were hell bent on going after Amy when she first encountered them. And they knew how to find Rory. Me, Martha, Amy, Rory...

Madam Vastra: They've all travel on the TARDIS.

The Doctor: And they've all had TARDIS energy on them.

Madam Vastra: If they're not here... Jenny!

The Doctor: Hannah & Clay. Strax...

Strax: I'll get the carriage ready.

The Doctor, Madam Vastra, & Strax quickly run back to the carriage and quickly make their way back. Meanwhile back at Madam Vastra's, Hannah & Clay quickly step out and take pictures of themselves with their cell phones. Luckily no one was around to see them take pictures. They go back inside and continue taking pictures.

Hannah Baker: Wow, these are really good.

Clay Jensen: Yeah, it's too bad we can't show it to anyone back home.

Hannah Baker: They probably think that we went to some theme park and took these pictures with these clothes.

KNOCK! KNOCK! There was a knock on the door. Jenny goes to answers the door, but there was nobody there. Jenny closes the door and once again, KNOCK! KNOCK! Jenny answers the door once again and no one was there. Jenny sensed that something was wrong as she closes the door. She goes to find Clay & Hannah who were in the study room.

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