Chapter 18: Saving Evergreen County

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The TARDIS dematerializes away from Liberty and onboard the Cybermen's ship. The Doctor, Hannah, Clay, Jessica, Justin, & Tony exit the TARDIS as they look around.

Tony Padilla: No robots in sight.

Clay Jensen: So what's the plan.

The Doctor: I'm gonna need some to lure the Cybermen away from the control room and distract them.

Clay Jensen: Us guys will do it. Me, Tony, & Justin will lure them away.

Hannah Baker: Clay...

Clay Jensen: We'll be alright.

Tony Padilla: I'll make sure of that.

Hannah Baker: Please be careful.

Justin Foley: Jess...

Jessica Davis: Save it.

Justin Foley: Please listen, this one time. You may not see me again.

Tony Padilla: Don't jinx it.

Justin Foley: I am sorry for lying to you. But if we make it out of here alive, I'll turn myself in along with Bryce. I'll pay the price. I'm sorry and I love you. I just wanted to let you know.

The Doctor: If we're done saying things before we split up...

Hannah grabs Clay's face and kisses him as Tony, Jessica, Justin, & The Doctor look on.

Clay Jensen: Wow.

Hannah Baker: See you in a bit.

Clay smiles at Hannah as he, Tony, & Justin go off to lure the Cybermen away.

Jessica Davis: You 2 would make a cute couple.

Hannah Baker: That's if we make it out of here.

Clay, Justin, & Tony make it to the doorway of the control room where they can see the Cybermen.

Cyberman: Capture all the humans. Locate The Doctor.

Clay Jensen: How many pallets do we have left?

Justin Foley: Only 2.

Tony Padilla: We can't throw them in there, it'll fry the control panels that The Doctor needs to use.

Justin Foley: That's why we're luring them away.

Clay Jensen: Ok, it's now or never.

They enter the control room.

Clay Jensen: These aren't the droids you're looking for.

Tony Padilla: Really, Clay?

The Cybermen all turn to their direction as they see them.

Cyberman: Delete them.

Justin Foley: Time to go!

They begin running as the Cybermen begin blasting at them. The Cybermen are lured away from the control room as The Doctor, Hannah, & Jessica enter the room.

Hannah Baker: Leave it to Clay to use a Star Wars quote to get their attention.

Jessica Davis: I expected that from him.

The Doctor: Okay.

The Doctor takes out his sonic screw driver and begins hacking into the Cybermen's system. The Doctor manages to get the Cybermen on earth to self destruct as they blow up.

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