Chapter 10: 13 Reasons Why (Reasons 6-8)

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After listening to tape 5, The Doctor inserts tape 6.

Hannah Baker (Tape): How many of you remember the Oh My Dollar Valentines? Those were fun, weren't they?

Clay smiles when he remembers Dollar Valentine.

Hannah Baker (Tape): You fill out a survey, and for just a buck, you get the name and number of your one true soul mate. And, hey, all proceeds go to a worthy cause: cheer camp.

The Doctor: HA! Cheer camp.

Hannah Baker (Tape): The Dollar Valentine survey was a two-parter: Describe yourself, and describe what you're looking for in someone else. And, as I filled mine out, I realized I was actually describing a certain someone.

Hannah looks at Clay as he notices she was looking at him when she brought up a "certain someone".

Clay Jensen: Do I even want to know?

Hannah just smiles at him as he smiles back.

Hannah Baker (Tape): You'd think if my answers all described one person... that person would at least appear in my Top 5. But no. I didn't match up to the one person who might really have been right. Maybe it wasn't my fault. Maybe none of us can say who we truly are. Maybe we're more than what the world sees. Or less. Maybe none of us are who we seem.

Clay Jensen: Didn't you say that you matched up with Bryce Walker?

Hannah Baker: Unfortunately. You never did told me who you matched up with when Jeff sold you out.

Clay Jensen: About that...

The Doctor: You mean this...

The Doctor takes out a piece of pink paper that was ripped into pieces but was taped up.

 Clay Jensen: Did you take that out of The Crestmont trash?

The Doctor: Yep.

Hannah stands up as The Doctor hand her over Clay's Dollar Valentine. She reads who Clay matched up with and see who is number 1.

Hannah Baker: Hannah Baker? I was your matched? Why didn't you say anything?

The Doctor: Because he chickened out.

Clay Jensen: I didn't chickened out.

The Doctor: You wussed out then.

Clay Jensen: I did not.

Hannah Baker: Well...

Clay Jensen: (Sighs) Okay, I wussed out.

The Doctor: He admit it.

Clay Jensen: You brought up Marcus, maybe that's why. Wait a minute... Marcus is number 6, isn't he?

Hannah Baker: Correct.

The tape resumes as Clay listens on.

Hannah Baker (Tape): My parents were high school sweethearts. So shoot me: I still believed in romance. I waited for you, Marcus. And I just had to sit there, wondering. Imagining. Playing over all the different scenarios in my mind. And all the while thinking that they all knew... everyone in the whole place... that I'd been stood up on Valentine's Day. I decided to give you one more chance. Stupid Hannah. And then you finally showed up. Except you weren't alone.

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