Chapter 5: An Adventure Through Space & Time

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Back in Liberty, Jamie Garrison is bringing a girl name Stephanie over to a shed that's behind the baseball field.

Stephanie: The Clubhouse? It's a shed.

Jaime Garrison: Trust me, once you've enter The Clubhouse, you'll love it.

Jaime unlocks the lock to The Clubhouse and opens the door. Jaime & Stephanie enter the shed as she looks around at the place.

Stephanie: Ok, I'll admit this is sweet.

Jaime Garrison: See, told you. Better than hanging out with Courtney, right.

Stephanie: Right. Sometimes I can't stand her. Spark it up.

Jaime takes out a bag of weed and grabs a bong. He insert the weed inside the bong and lights it up as both Jaime & Stephanie take a hit.

Stephanie: (Coughing) That's some good shit.

After taking a few hit, they begin to make out. As they're making out, Stephanie sees something.

Stephanie: Either I'm really high, or there's a mouse in here.

Jaime stops kissing Stephanie as he looks at what Stephanie is referring to.

Jaime Garrison: I think it's a toy.

Stephanie: A remote control toy?

The object stars approaching them.

Jaime Garrison: What the fuck is this thing?

Once Jaime picks it up, the object begins to attack both of them. They scream in pain, but there is no one around to hear their scream. Meanwhile... Clay & Hannah now find themselves on another planet as The Doctor now exits the TARDIS and joins them.

Hannah Baker: Where did you bring us?

The Doctor: Looks like the planet Orella.

They've arrive on the planet Orella as the TARDIS landed in a alley as they see the city that's in front of them.

Clay Jensen: Planet Orella? Are we in space?

The Doctor: Are you stupid, we're on a planet.

Clay Jensen: We were just on Earth at Liberty. How did we get here so fast? And why is it bigger on the inside?

The Doctor: Less talking more exploring.

Hannah Baker: I thought you wanted us to talk?

The Doctor: He needs to clear his head before you kids have a chat. Come along.

The Doctor lead Clay & Hannah around the futuristic city. Clay looks around and sees different alien races.

Clay Jensen: Am I dreaming?

Hannah Baker: Afraid not, Helmet. Trust me, you're gonna love it.

Clay sees aliens interacting with one another.

Judoon: To Blo Ro Do Kro So. So Po Flo Blo Kno Sho Jo Tro Do Plo Plo.

Azorbaloff: I swear to you, I haven't absorb anyone.

Slitheen: 25% Off on all drinks.

Clay Jensen: I have to admit, this is amazing.

Hannah Baker: Told you.

The Doctor: This way, you 2.

The Doctor leads them to what appears to be a club as they look around and see aliens gambling, eating, & drinking.

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