Alice Urba

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Alice Beck Urba just had a normal life, until she moved to this weird town in the smallest state ever, Rhode Island. She used to live in Chicago but her mom's company decided to move to Rhode Island. Her mother was diangosed with Panic Disorder when she was fifteen. Her mother and father have been in a relationship for around fifteen years. He did this thing to calm down her mother, and it worked. It is like magic when he does it. She always wondered how he did it, but she never knew. Her father is the boss of a Old Navy store farther away from where mom works. Her mother works for a farming agancy. Meaning, she lives in a small town with no new life, no new friends, and no new phone. 

Her mother will do basic things just to make herself feel better. One of many things she will do is do workout videos.

"Mom!" said Alice.

"What Ally?" yeller her mother. Alice walked downstairs to find her mother working out to a video from the early 80's.

"Mom, are you serouisly working out to that video again?" said Alice being annoyed that this is the 5th time her mom has watched this video in the past three days. 

"Yes, Alice I am but it will help my arms with the crops and. . . other stuff," her mom said.


"Corn, tomatoes, and. . . peppers," said her mother nodding as she did her planks. 

"That's it? Just those three crops?"

"No but there are others you just don't know about"


"Alice, can we not talk about this now?" said her mother getting up from her two minute planks. They both watched the screen as it said "Now you have done so much work! Give yourself a hand! Now, I think you should get a break, go and grab some water and sit and think about your next work out," said the skinny lady who look about in her early twenties. Alice grabbed the DVD case and noticed it was copyrighted in 1981, meaning this lady can be in her, fifties. Alice set down the DVD case and went to the kitchen and found mom puking in the sink.

"Mother, there is a room called the bathroom you know?" said Alice leaning on the doorway as she is listening to the awful noise of her mother. Her mother grabbed the towel that was pink and had yellow and green flowers and wiped it on her face. The phone rings seconds later, "Ally, can you get that dear?" said her mother. Alice nodds and skips to the phone and looks at the screen as it says

James Onnoly


"It's Grandpa, mom!" said Alice

"Then answer it!"

Alice picked up the phone and answered it.

"Hey Gram-"

"Alice, get your mother now please." said her grandpa in worry

"But Grandpa she's pukin-"

"I do not care right now, honey. Can you get her please, I promise I'll fill you in"

Alice yelled for her mother and she came up 2 her and got the phone from her. Alice's mother put her hand on the phone.

"Go in another room please honey" Alice nodded and went upstairs and played her IPod like usual, played Coldplay while playing Temple Run. Alice mouthed to the song "Princess in China" while flipping her screen left, right, up and down. Just then she heard her mother cry, Alice paused her game and music and went downstairs. She stood, in shock, to see her mother lying there on the floor with blood over her body and a knife in her hand.

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