The Beginning

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Alice waved her hand around in a circle. The reflection did nothing. Alice touched the mirror, solid. 

"What do we do?" little voices said behind the mirror, repeating over and over again. The voices sounded worried. Alice looked behind the mirror, no one was there. Alice looked back at the mirror and saw that the reflection was moving again. Alice took a few deep breathes and her aunt knocked at the door.

"Open up, Ally," said her aunt. Alice opened up the door and her aunt had a smile on her face. "Do they feel good? Loose? Tight?" 

"No they're good," said Alice closing the door. "I'll pick up a few and some polo's" Alice got dressed in her skinny jeans and left the dressing room. Alice looked back at the mirror, not a single movement.

Alice came home with a big bag of polo's and blue pants that have to be hung up in her closet. Alice took up the Old Navy bag and started hanging up the clothes. Just then her phone vibrated, Alice looks at her phone, UNKNOWN NUMBER,  Alice picked up the phone. "Probably the funeral company thing," she thought.  

"Hello?" said Alice, no one replyed or said anything back, just birds chirping. "Hello?" she said again, still no reply, just the birds. Alice hung up the phone and continued hanging up her clothes. 

"Can we please not go?" said Alice putting on her black dress while her aunt put on her veil. "We have to, it's your parents," said her aunt. Alice looked at herself in the mirror. Black eyeliner, dress, mascara, heels, even veil, is black. She didn't like attending funerals, especially her parents. Alice, her aunt and uncle all got in the car and drove to the funeral at the church. Most of Alice's family was there, she was even shocked that her family from Florida even came in. The Bunsiin's usually never cared about our family, she thought someone was going to hurt them if they don't. Alice stood in front of the two caskets, one orange and one blue. Her mom and dad's favorite colors. One with lilies and one with lilacs. Her mom and dad's favorite flowers. The organ played and the caskets were pushed by her and and uncle and the other one by her. 

Hours after the sad moment, the party began with black clothes but in a brighter setting. Alice stood by the porch with her Pepsi in hand looking out toward the sky. She hoped and thought she would see them, but she knows she never will. Her cousin, Molly who is around 5 years old, came up to her. 

"Come on Alice!" she said tugging on her arm. "I need to show you something!" Molly ran away and Alice followed her. 

Alice showed up to find her cousins surrounding a hole with a light coming out of the hole. 

"What is it Alice?" said Molly holding her hand. "I don't know, but I need some tools and food, come on Molly," said Alice holding Molly's hand. Alice and her went inside to find adults eating and talking about memories of her parents. Alice grabs a plate and puts chicken wings and two M&M cookies on her plate, while Molly just grabs cookies. They both sit out by the porch eating and catching up on life. Molly rarely sees Alice because they live so far apart from each other.

"So Molly, any cute boys in your class?" says Alice biting her cookie.

 "No! Mommy says I have to wait when I'm older!" said Molly.

Just then a scream went out, Alice took off running with Molly behind her. Alice was at the hole once again finding her cousin lying on the ground, unconscious. Alice held up her cousin, Jack who is thirteen, by the head. She checked for any marks or bruises. "Did he just faint?" asked Alice to the cousins. "Yeah pretty much," said one of them.

"There was something there though," said Jack waking up. "It was a rabbit, with a blue vest, he looked at his pocket watch, thingy, and said 'Where is she?' then just, went back down the hole," Jack got back on his feet, and Alice looked down the hole. She could still see the light, she looked down further, then fell in the deep hole.

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