Thomas and His Uncle

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Alice fell down the hole, deeper and deeper, but brighter and brighter as it went on. Alice screamed for help but no one was there. No one was there to save her from distress. She finally hit the hard, tile floor. She looked around, doors with different designs on them. One was with purple and sky blue swirls, another with bright orange, white and yellow polka dots. But the one that caught Alice's eye was the plain door, no paint, no decoration, just, plain wood. The wood had to be cracking, it looked years, maybe millions, of years old. Alice opened the door, and found herself in a new land. 

Alice stepped onto the fluffy green grass, she took off her heels and felt the softness in between her toes. It felt like a babies skin and her new purple pillow, mixed together to create this fluffiness. She looked around again, purple trees with odd shaped fruit. A pink bush with green leafs, Alice went over to the pink bush and picked off a leaf. She smelled the leaf, "It smells like, like mint" she thought, just as she was about to eat it a voice yelled to her. "Don't eat that!" Just as Alice ate the leaf, she fainted onto the ground.

"What do I do, what do I do!?" said the voice Alice heard over and over and over again. Alice woke up to the site of a house, and a teenage boy pacing. The man had on normal clothes, like Alice (minus a dress), and living in a house maybe to small or big or wide for him. "This is happening, again! Again I say again!" said the teenage boy. Alice sat up then fell back down, "Whoa, what did I eat? I thought that was mint!" said Alice. The teenage boy looked around Alice's age, then boy told Alice, "It wasn't mint you fool! Did you not hear me?"

"By the time you said that, I ate it," said Alice shrugging. "Aren't you going to say your name at all? 'Cause I'll say mine if you say yours," said Alice. The boy looked at her, rolled his eyes and said "Thomas, Thomas McGingr" he said with a sigh at the end. "See there we go! I'm Alice Urba," she said extending her hand out to Thomas who ignored it. "Are you a tomboy by any chance? Because you look like one, and like the one my uncle saw before. Come on, were taking a trip," said Thomas grabbing his coat. 

"To where?" said Alice

"To my uncle's" 

Alice started walking and fell to the ground. Thomas gave her an annoyed look, "Well come on then! Get up!" said Thomas extending his hand to her. "I can't feel my legs," said Alice. Thomas touched one of her legs, "Oh yeah, that's a side effect, man, this means I have to carry you," said Thomas taking Alice by the shoulder and carried her threw the woods. 

By the time Alice started feeling her legs again, she had a incredible headache. "OK, can you let go of my now? I'm getting this massive headache," said Alice putting on hand on her head and the other on a tree with dark green bark.  Just then the tree turned around, "I'm a resting spot now?" said the tree and Alice fell to the ground and hit her head on a root sticking above the ground. The world was spinning before Alice's eyes and she closed them. Thomas looked back at Alice and noticed she fell on the root. Thomas rushed to Alice's aid and picked her up, "What was that for?" Thomas yelled to the tree. 

"What? She was on me, so I scared her, it's my job you know. Why do you think they call us 'The Scare Trees'?" said the tree. Thomas rolled his eyes to the tree and moved on to his journey. 

By the time Alice was woken up, Alice was just set on a couch, she didn't want to disturb anyone there so she went back to her sleep. Thomas set down Alice and hugged his uncle, 

"Thomas! How are you?" he said swinging him around the room. 

"I was fine, until she showed up, she is so beautiful, she can't die in the battle," said Thomas looking at her. "Now now, Thomas," Alice opens her eyes and looks around for Thomas. "Look, she's waking up. Better make my appearance special," said Thomas's uncle running toward the door. 

"Where am I now?" said Alice looking at Thomas. "You are in my uncles business, my dear," said Thomas spinning around. "I'm coming out!" shouting his uncle. Thomas's uncle came out and spun around in a circle with his hat thrown up in the air and landed on his head.

"You-you-your the Mad Hatter, from the book? Wait, I'm in Wonderland?" said Alice lying on the couch taking deep breathes. She checked her pocket for her inhaler, it wasn't there. Alice's face turned pale. "Can't. . . . breath" said Alice. The Mad Hatter threw a extra inhaler to Alice, she breathed the air in and her cheeks turned to the normal color again.   Alice gained her breath back and the rest lost worry. 

"Sorry, I have, breathing problems. Thank you for the inhaler," said Alice. "Anytime, Thomas has the same problem, too," said Mad Hatter. "Well, what brings you here to Wonderland?"

"Well, a white rabbit scared the living out of my cousin, which caused him to pass out from shock. Plus, I got this letter," said Alice pulling out the letter and showing it to Thomas. Mad Hatter looks over with him. 

"Well, it is a letter from the Cheshire Cat. Wait a minute, say your name please,"

"Alice Urba,"

"Where are you from?"

"A small town in New Jersey"

"Did you have a ancestor named Alice?"

"Yeah, wait, she is the Alice in Alice in Wonderland?" said Alice. Thomas looked at Alice seeing the relation, Mad Hatter did the same. 

"Oh my goodness, you are. You are, the Alice," 

"Can we please find this, cat now please?"

Thomas, Mad Hatter and Alice walked threw the woods of mystery, walking threw the dark sky then it will turn to a bright blue. Alice looked behind her, she noticed the sky had a tint of black. 

"Hatter, why does the sky have a little black in it?" said Alice pointing to the sky. 

"I don't know," says the Mad Hatter. Alice looked back and kept on walking. By the time they were going to the Cheshire Cat's room, they were surrounded by red cards with spears ready to stab them. They all put up their hands and innocence and got to their knees. Until two voices said "Stop!". Both the group and the red cards looked back to find the same white rabbit in the same blue vest and a white little mouse in a red vest. The mouse took out too what Alice thought was a metal toothpick while the rabbit took out his pocket watch and pressed a button to make the cards not move. 

"Well come on then! Get out of there!" said the rabbit and Alice, Thomas and Mad Hatter ran out, but it was to late. The red cards got the Mad Hatter and took him away to who knows where. 

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