Change of Clothes

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"Mom!" Alice shouted as she rushed downstairs to grab her.

"Mother please, why did you die?" Just then she remembered, her grandpa was still on the phone. Alice carefully dropped the body down and rushed to the phone.

"Grandpa? Are you still there? Grandpa!" said Alice in panic

"Alice? Ok it's you," said her grandpa.

"Why are you so calm!?"

"I am trying to be calm. Anyway, your father's store got robbed. He tried to call the cops secretly in his office but the robber caught him and shot him. I just saw it on the news dear. I'm so sorry"

Alice hung up the phone and sat on the couch crying her heart out.

~One Week Later~

Alice turns on the TV as she sits in her Aunt Marylin's house. Since the attack and the suicide happened the will said for Alice to live with her aunt just a few miles up in her town in Camden. Alice lounged on her couch and flipped threw the channels seeing commercials and shows.

"Alice?" her aunt yelled from the kitchen. "Can you turn on Rachel for me please?" Alice flipped threw the channels to find the show. As soon as she found the channel, the mail came. Alice got up from the couch and got the mail. Alice whispered, "Bill, bill, bill, Better Homes magazine, Teen Vogue yay " Just then something caught Alice's eye, a letter to her but with no address to who it is from.

Dear Alice,

I am a dear friend of your grandma. Your grandma never told these stories of what she has seen because your are not suppose to in this land. Your grandma is having her funeral by the hole. Go to the patio near the right corner. The rest is up to me. Hope this works out.

Alice did not see who it is from because they did not see who it is from the letter nor the address. "How strange" thought Alice.  Alice went upstairs and sat on her bed looking and analyzing the letter looking for any clues. Then she noticed that the paper felt like a leaf from a tree and not like paper here on Earth.

Alice sat in the car while her Aunt drove her to her new school of Maryeast Jr. High School for registration  for the third time this year. Once when she moved to Jew Jersey, another time when she got bullied, and now this. As they pulled in the driveway, they were greeted by a statue of the Virgin Mary.

"Wait, I'm going to a private school?" said Alice looking at her aunt.

"It is the better choice for you, less people, less drama," said her aunt. Alice was fine with the choice, she thought the idea on a close class and teacher that knew you well will suit her well. Alice got out of the car along with her aunt and walked into the school. Alice walked into the school and the first thing she saw were three big statues in marble. One of Jesus, Mary, and Joesph. With mahogany pedal stools with golden plaques saying who donated them. Donated by Issabelle Oriclle, it said on each statue.

"Come on Alice," said her aunt gesturing her to the door. Alice went inside the office which looked like her old office at her old school. A long table, and behind it were to desk each with different personalities. One with drawings, pictures of what looked like her children, and everything pink. The other has two pictures, no pink, just full of black but stickers on her computer with frogs and pandas. Aunt Marylin waited for a few minutes until the first lady looked up. 

"Hi, are you waiting for the principal?" said the first lady.

"Yes, this is Alice Urba, she is transferring here," said Aunt Marylin. The second lady looked threw a clipboard, "Ah yes, Alice Urba. Come with me," said the second lady wearing a navy blue polka dot long sleeve shirt with a white pencil skirt and gold heels. She let the two ladies threw the hall filled with old graduation pictures with years of 1987 through 2011.  The lady pointed to the principal's office and the lady knocked on the door. The principle looked old, she looked around in her early 60's with bright red hair, like auburn. With a cameo of a lady with a Afro  that  can reach the top of the photo. 

"Alice Urba?," Alice nodded. "welcome to Maryeast Jr. High School. I will be your principle Anna Folr. What will you be?"

"8th grade," said Alice. 

"Ah, 8th grade. The magic year, state constitution, Score test, and so much more,"

"I already took my Score test. Back in September," said Alice.

"So your transferring?"

"Yes, now can show us around please" said Aunt Marylin.  The principal gave Aunt Marylin a winded eyed look and got out of her desk and led the way to Alice's new school.

"Now, you said that we took your score test already?" asked Mrs.Flor. Alice nodded. "Wonderful, so you will be caught up, test wise. Now here is the main rules, for girls, that you need to know. You will be in uniform, yes I know shocking, I bet you didn't have them at your old school yes?" Alice nodded in disappointment  "Well, that style will be taken away,"

Alice looked down at her outfit  skinny jeans and a Harry Potter shirt. Alice sighed and let Mrs.Flor continued with her speech of sadness  "Another thing is you can't wear makeup, only on picture days. Well you aren't wearing any so your good," said Mrs.Flor with a smile on her face. Alice thought about that, she rarely wears it only on, well, picture days. "And you must wear skirt during the spring and beginning of the school year, it's fall right now so your good too," said Mrs.Flor. "Now, do you play any instruments or sing?"

"I do play the viola," said Alice.

"Well we have a wonderful orchestra for you to join! They win first place every contest,"

After the hour tour, Alice and her aunt go to McDonald's and sit and talk about the new life that Alice will start in a week.

"Just think of it Alice. New or old clubs to join, a better orchestra, more friends," said her aunt in excitement

"And a uniform to wear, with a skirt," said Alice in disappointment while eating her chicken nuggets.

"So just think about it, minus the negatives." Her aunt finishes her drink and gets up and grabs her purse and coat. Alice grabs her coat and walks out of the fast food place. She looks out the window and notices a white bunny with a blue vest looking at his watch. He watches her while she watches him. She turns around to grab her aunt, by the time she got her, he was gone.

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