The Death of the Crazy

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Alice just kept on running, she loved the smell of the grass the Palace had. Fresh with water. Then she stopped, she stopped running, she looked toward the sky. Alice screamed. The rest of the gang came running toward Alice, Alice fell to the ground screaming and crying. Thomas held her in her arms rocking her.

"The sky, the clouds made a face," said Alice crying in fright.

"What did the sky make?" asked Dormouse rubbing her shoulder.

"A face, a face so dark and evil I can't even imagine," said Alice pointing to the sky. Rabbit looked up and saw the face. "Only one person can control the shape of a clouds imagination," said Rabbit looking towards Thomas. "No, no not Uncle, Uncle would never do anything like that. Unless, no no no no no!" said Thomas just shedding a tear. "This can't be happening!"

"He is now being tortured from what the sky is telling us," said Dormouse. "We must hurry before she tortures him any longer," said Dormouse and she went in Alice pocket and they all ran, ran as far as they can go. 

Alice and the gang kept running till it was nightfall. They all stopped by a tree and collapsed in exhaustion.

"We are never going to rescue my uncle in time," saying Thomas with doubt.

"Yes we will, Thomas. you don't know that because your keep filling yourself with doubt," said Alice giving him a punch in the arm. Thomas looked at Alice and smiled while Alice was looking toward the ground.

"Rabbit, what time is it?" said Alice.

"It is, 10 in the evening. Why is it, Alice?" said Rabbit.

"Just wondering,"

Around 1 in the early morning, Alice woke to a sound of a tree that just recently fell. She rushed with adrenerlen. Everyone else did the same.

"Was I the only one who heard it, or just me?" said Dormouse.

"Everyone heard it, this is a warning, we need to-" before Alice can finish the last word, another tree fell. Then another. Then another. One right after another. They all turned around and notice the trees falling like dominos. Alice looked up at the sky and saw it turning from a navy blue to a dark black.

"Shouldn't we run now?" said Rabbit.

"Yeah probaley," said Alice, and the gang ran for there lives.

Alice was the fastest because she was the star runner on her cross country team back at her old school. The trees came closer and closer catching up on every step. The last tree soon got to March Hare. He screamed and collapsed at the tree that fell on his lower back and legs.

"March Hare!" Thomas screamed. Thomas tried to go back but got a slight blow to the head. "Thomas!" Alice screamed and she ran back for him. She quickly picked him up and ran with the weight carrying on her back. She managed to get a glimpse of March Hare. Only a finger moved to let her know, he was still alive, but soon to be paralyzed.

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