Take a Panorama

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After months of promoting new music, participating in variety and reality shows, filming dramas and TV shows as individuals and concert tours across Asia, M4 was seriously overworked. Therefore, Four Star Academy's headmaster heeded to the fans' request -- to give the four teenagers a break before their next activities. 

Therefore, he announced M4 to have a two-week hiatus from promotions, in order to get some rest. Subaru, Nozomu and Asahi visited their families in Japan, and the four managed to hang out at different locations they haven't been to before as a team, for example, amusement parks, museums, temples, and even to the Kiras' private villa in the Japanese countryside for a sleepover, without cameras following them behind to film their every move for reality shows. Over the past week, their bond had grown stronger than they'd thought it would, and having grown closer to each other, they began telling secrets others have never heard of.

"I was the one who spilled chocolate on my mum's favourite dress. And broke the grand piano in my dad's office." Confessed Nozomu, head hung low in shame and guilt. "And I still haven't told them. It's been seven years."

The boys were playing a game in Kira's spacious drawing room. Questions were written on pieces of paper, and were then put into a large box. Each of them had a chance to draw their slots, and all of the members had to answer the question asked. The first question asked was 'Spill the biggest secret you've never told any of us'.

Asahi also had something to admit. "I entered Four Star Academy not because of you guys, but since I wanted to perform like my sister."

"You did what?" 

"Calm down, Subaru-kun!" Hissed Nozomu. "Kanata, your turn."

Said male tilted his head in thought for a few seconds before answering, "I dyed my hair once when I was nine years old, I think. It was a really natural shade of blonde, and I kept the same hair colour for a few months before my hair was back to normal. My parents were away from home at that time so they didn't know about it." 

Eyes were all on Subaru as the three younger members waited for their leader to confess one of, if not the deepest secret he had in his mind.

Subaru took a deep breath. "Remember the time I told you I was going to train the Vocal division's juniors?" The other three nodded in unison. "What if I tell you, I didn't even head to Four Star Academy and went to Yume-chan's concert instead?"

Asahi's eyes were wide open. "What? You did what?"

The group's leader shrugged. "See, I lied."

"Next question!" Kira drew a small slip of blue origami paper. "Most awkward experience with a crush! Subaru has to answer first, 'cause this is my home, and I get to do whatever I want!" 

Nozomu and Asahi clapped and cheered, while M4's eldest rolled his eyes in protest. "Fine!" He gave up. "It'd have to be Yume-chan finding out I have a picture of her set as my phone's lock-screen."

"Mine would have to be Mr Hiiro thinking Ako and I were making out in the dressing room, but in fact, we were just watching Tsubasa's newest drama together which had the same scenes." Kanata declared, trying his hardest not to laugh.

Nozomu, whom had just told the boys about his crush on Aria a few hours before, spoke up next. "The shopkeeper whom sold the TWICE albums Aria was going to buy thought I was her elder brother!"

"l-m-a-o!" Roared Subaru in laughter. "You two don't even look alike!"

The younger shrugged. "I still don't know how he thought we were siblings!"

"Koharu-chan opened the door to my dressing room when I was in the middle of changing." Blushed Asahi, to the others' shock. However, he was quick to change the topic, smoothly pulling out a sheet of pink paper. "What was the last thing you searched on your phone? Show us your Google or Safari history."

The youngest was the first to show the others his browse history. "Cute puppies?" Subaru asked. 

"Dogs are my favourite animals!" Shaking their heads at how cute the maknae was, all eyes turned to the second youngest. 

"Don't you think you can delete your Google history now! Show us what's so suspicious in your phone that you have to hide it from us!" Subaru hissed in an authoritative tone, snatching Kanata's phone. However, he rolled his eyes in reply. "I can't read English!"

Nozomu blindfolded Asahi before reading the boy's search history, then translating into Japanese for his bestie. "EXO Monster Dance Practice? Got7 Hard Carry Dance Tutorial? Your search history is no fun!" He untied Asahi's blindfold. 

"Nijino Yume 'Rainbow Con' fan-cam?" It was Asahi's turn to peep into his members' search history. "Aria Futaba cute moments?" The youngest face-palmed. "You guys are so predictable!" 

Kanata sighed. "Next question. 'Answer truthfully. If your crush becomes your future girlfriend, what nickname would you want her to call you?' Wow this is getting extremely interesting."

"Just Subaru-kun will be fine, considering how sweet her voice is." Spoke up Subaru. "I agree." Added Nozomu. "But, if I had to choose one, 'my Prince' will be nice. Some alternatives will be 'Bubba', 'Honey' or, if you're asking for my honest opinion, 'Daddy' sounds good for me too." 

The youngest pouted. "Koharu-chan is my baby! So, I'll think of something that rhymes with the word 'baby'!" The others chuckled at how Asahi acted like he was a little kid trapped inside a teenager's body. "Ahha! 'Cookie' or 'Buddy' will do!"

Kanata shook his head. "Yours are truly adorable, Asahi. I hate nicknames, so..."

Trying to change the topic, Kanata took out his phone. "Let's call the girls now. Yuzu says they're free and are okay to call us." 


The boys gathered around, huddling on the sofa while Kira called his maids for refreshments. 

"Hello! How are you guys doing!"


Small cliffhanger, huh?
Hope you've enjoyed this chapter~! Please send me comments 'cause I love reading them! Thank you for all your love and support so far! I love you guys so much ahha~!
- Momoka @ shiny_smile_girl

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