Jüri Vips [1]

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A/N Wished by sooph-sooph-sooph

TAGLIST: why-are-you-here- masonmouse


[1]- One rule: Talk to me whenever you feel down (I hope you don't mind that I adjusted the sentence a little bit)

Jüri is talking a lot and does not seem like he is going to stop in the next minutes. Normally I would enjoy listening to him while he talks about the days, he was in the factory, talking about training and the stuff he filmed with his teammate but today he is only fuelling my headache which his constant bubbling.

I try to concentrate on my notes in front of me, but I can't focus on anything but the pounding in my head. Jüri does not seem to sense that something is wrong with me because he is just talking and talking while he prepares himself a snack. My patience is getting less and less until I can't hold back anymore.

"Could you please shut up for a second?" The words burst out of my mouth before I can stop them. Just a split second afterwards I feel guilty, not wanting to snap at Jüri but I just did and now I feel incredible sorry.

"What?" Jüri looks at me perplex, not knowing how to react to this. He is obviously confused because I never raised my voice at him before. Yes, we do argue from time to time, but I always try to keep my voice calm and do not let it overflow with emotions.

"I...I am sorry." I mumble, not looking into Jüris eyes, lowering my gaze onto the notes which are spread over the table. Trying to calm myself down I take a deep breath, not wanting to let the emotions take control over my body and make me cry.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jüri asks, sensing that something is wrong and that I did not snap at him on purpose. He sits down besides me, wrapping his arm around me to pull me closer to his body, letting his thumb brush carefully over my shoulder. I burry my head in his chest, loving being this close to him even though he must be still confused by my behaviour.

"It is just getting too much lately." Is my vague answer while my fingers start to play with the hem of Jüris hoodie, trying to distract myself from my feelings which spin around in my head like a hurricane. They seem to scream so loud and whisper into my ear at night.

"What exactly?" Jüri tries to figure out what is bothering me while I can feel that everything is getting too much. My eyes well up with tears which I try to hold back, not wanting to cry but I am not sure how much longer I can fight the salty drops from rolling down my cheeks.

"Everything." I manage to choke out, before a soft sob leaves my lips, indicating that I lost the battle against the tears. The grip of Jüri around me tightens and he softly sways us from side to side, trying to calm me down a bit.

"Please stop crying or I am going to cry with you." Jüris voice is thin and when I look up to him, I can see that there are already some tears in his eyes which he tries to get rid of by blinking them away. I straight my body a bit to be at the same height as Jüri and cup his face with my hands.

Carefully I brush with my thumb over his cheeks, not wanting to make him cry by being overdramatic because of the emotions inside of my head. Jüri copies my actions, brushing with his thumb over my cheeks to clean them from the stains the tears left on them.

"Can you give me a kiss." I whisper, not wanting to speak louder because I do not trust my voice. A soft smile spreads on Jüris lips when he hears my words and the sight of his lips being curled upwards immediately gives me a warm feeling.

"You can have as many kisses as you want." Jüri promises me before he leans forwards connecting our lips for a tender kiss. Brushing his lips softly over mine before he adds some more pressure behind it.

"One." He mumbles before his lips connect with mine again. "Two." Jüri continues to count and my heart flutters softly at his sweet behaviour, making me feel like there is nothing I need to worry about. "Three." Is the next number, followed by the next tender kiss. Some more kisses are pressed to my lips, helping me to relax before Jüri and I just sit there, forehead against forehead while being silent and not wanting to disturb the cosy atmosphere.

"You know that I will never give you any commands but there is one rule I ask you to follow: Talk to me whenever you feel down." Jüri asks me to talk to him when my feelings start to go downwards again, and I do understand why he wants me to speak up. He is worrying when I don't act normal and since I don't want him to be distracted by my strange feelings, I think it is time to tell him why I feel so tensed.

"Can we go to the living room?" I ask him, my voice still barely audible but since we ae sitting so close he can still hear me. Jüri nods, stands up and holds his hand out for me to grab it. Carefully I let my fingers glide between his and we walk out of the kitchen and into the living room where we can sit more comfortably on the sofa.

Closely we sit on the sofa, not letting go of the others hand, while I try to think of the right words to explain Jüri how I felt over the last weeks. I try to think of Jüri as my anchor who is holding me on the right spot, stopping me from drifting too far away.

"Take your time." He reassures me, not wanting me to feel pressured to talk about my feelings. Jüris thumb keeps brushing over the back of my hand, his calm behaviour giving me more and more courage to finally speak up.

"The last weeks were hard. I had presentations and deadlines which came quicker than expected. During all of this chaos my mother pressured me into getting good marks this year and that I shouldn't even think of failing one of my exams." As soon as the first word leaves my lips the others follow much easier than I thought they would be. Explaining Jüri as quickly and easily as possible while I feel as stressed as I am.

"Why didn't you talk with me?" Jüri asks me worryingly and tries to catch my gaze but I avoid it by looking at our still entwined fingers. Of curse Jüri is curious why I didn't talk to him about my messed-up emotions, but I would never do anything to distract him from his own commitments.

"You have to deal with your own stuff and need to concentrate on your pre-season." Is my explanation which makes Jüri huff almost inaudible and in the same moment I realise that it was not my smartest decision to keep him out of my problems.

"But you are important to me." Jüri says, making my heart flutter softly but I can't react expect giving his hand a little squeeze, showing him that I did hear his words and that I am touched by them. He is so sweet to me and should get used to him being interested in my feelings and emotions even though there are not positive all of the time.

"I need to know that you are all right to be happy." Is Jüris next sentence and he moves his second hand to lift my chin up so that I am finally looking into his eyes. His eyes are full of love, and I can feel some tears gather in my eyes, but I don't want to cry again.

"I am going to be better if you give me a tight hug." I suggest Jüri something that he could do to make me feel better. A smile spreads on Jüris lips and I can feel the corners of my lips curl upwards too.

"I think I can fulfil this easily." Jüri laughs softly and before I can react in any way, he has wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closely to his chest. A sight leaves my lips and I wrap my arms around Jüri as well, hugging him back while placing my head on his shoulder, breathing in his familiar scent.

"Better?" He asks me after some minutes of holding me close while I can already feel some kind of relaxion spreading trough my body. Jüri doesn't show any sign that he wants to lose his grip around me and I am not willing to let go of him either.

"Hm, some more cuddles." I answer him, smiling happily into his hoodie and I can listen to a soft laugh from Jüri which is vibrating trough his chest. Carefully Jüri adjusts our bodies, making us lay onto the sofa, me being placed on his chest while his hands draw more or less round circles onto my back.

"I love you." I mumble into his hoodie, feeling nothing but adoration for the boy under me. Jüri tightens his grip around me a bit before he lifts his head to press a kiss onto my temple.

"I love you too." Jüri mutters with so much love in his voice while I keep feeling as safe as possible in his arms. 

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