Part 2

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 I walked slowly down the sidewalk with my phone in hand, listening to music. I had left early this morning so I knew I'd most likely make it into school on time unlike my brother and his friends, or maybe they would.. who knows. 

I sent the text to my friend before turning off my phone and setting it on silent mode, then sliding it into my backpack, then taking off towards the school gates where multiple other people walked and stood. I saw one of the teachers standing outside as I began walking slower, "Goodmorning, sir.", I said quietly as I walked past, ignoring the fact that he asked how I was before I sped off towards the building. 

Suddenly, I was tripped by someone and was sent straight to the ground, "Watch it, loser.", Na-yeon laughed as she walked past me and towards the school. I winced as I sat up, acknowledging the scrape I had on my knee now which was sorta bleeding, but not a lot to have to visit the nurse. I pulled my backpack in front of me and took my headphones out then shoved them into my backpack, along with turning off my music which was still playing on my phone. 

After I did that, I zipped up my bag and stood up quickly, then began towards the school again. I turned around at hearing the sound of groans and whines only to see people who were counted as late which included On-jo and Cheong-san in front of her. 

He was always quicker than her and always made it to school before she did, no matter where they met or how she used a different strategy every time, he still wins. I smiled and crossed my arms as he began walking a different way whilst I just turned around and kept walking through the field. 


I sat in the school bathroom, listening to music even though I was supposed to be in class.  Humming, I tapped my foot against the toilet lid as I sat on top of the metal piece that rested beside it while I jammed out to my music. Out of nowhere, my music suddenly went quieter and my phone vibrated.

I looked down at my phone and saw it was a message from Gwi-nam. 

PRICK: Where r u?

ME: Why does it matter?

PRICK: Quit being like this.

PRICK: I just miss you..

ME: I don't miss you, not after what you did.

PRICK: wow. okay. I told you i'd stop.

ME: have you?


ME: exactly.

I closed out of my messages and turned my music off, along with taking my headphones out and shoving them into my backpack, then I got up and walked out of the stall, and over to the sink where I washed my hands. Two girls walked in, gossiping as usual and stopped when they saw me. I turned to them and shrugged, "Did you hear what happened?"

I shook my head, "That missing girl showed up and apparently the science teacher did something to her. She almost looked dead.", the blonde one said before they both walked past me and over to the sink where they continued gossiping and doing their makeup. Dead..?

Pushing those thoughts away, I walked out of the bathroom with my backpack swinging on my back as usual. I stopped when I saw one of my brothers friends in the hall, "Hey, where's my brother."

He turned to me and smiled whilst bending down a bit, "Who's your brother, shortstuff?"

I rolled my eyes, "Gyeong-su.", I told them lowly. Him and his other two friends made an 'oh' sound and pointed down the hall, "Should be in one of those rooms, I don't know.", he pushed past me and walked off, making me turn and flip his back off, causing his friends to laugh a bit whilst I walked away down the hall.

After a bit of walking and turning, I went upstairs and saw a room with an open door along with some growls coming from the inside of it. I walked to the door slowly and peeked inside to see someone kneeling above another person, who wasn't moving might I add. I pushed the door open the rest of the way and walked in, "Hey, are you okay?", I ask loudly making the person stop moving.

I slowly moved closer until the person's neck snapped to the left, giving me a clear view of the dead person on the ground beside them, bleeding out from their stomach. My mind went blank as the person snapped their body around towards me, slowly raising themselves up off of the ground with blood spilling from their mouth and onto their already bloody uniform. 

I froze before I started to backup only for the bloody person to growl loudly and run at me, making me scream and run backwards, which also ended up in me tripping on my own fucking feet. I was sent flying down onto my ass whilst the bloody bitch ran full speed at me like a mountain lion ready to attack it's prey.

Quickly, I turned over and pushed myself to the side, panting loudly as the person fell to the floor where I was once sitting. I pushed myself up and turned around only to be pushed to the ground and onto my back with my hands on the bloody human's chewed up chest. My eyes went wide as I made eye contact with the creature before more screaming was heard outside of the room I was in.

I screamed loudly as the thing bit towards my neck, which now had blood on it from the bloody spit that leaked from the predators open mouth. "Help me!", I scream loudly as my arms began to weaken. Suddenly, the thing was kicked off of me and I was yanked up from the floor and pulled out of the room, my mind still running around like a fucking circus was going on and my vision slightly blurry from getting pulled up too quick. 

We ran down some stairs, dodging people and staying close together before we made it down the stairs. I didn't know who the person was who had saved me from becoming a meal for the creature upstairs but I didn't care. 

Both of us ran past people getting chewed up and bleeding out, and towards an open room that seemed to have no one inside of it. Once we made it in, he slammed the door shut after letting my hand go, pushing his back against the door so the things wouldn't be able to get in. 

As I fell to the ground, loud banging was heard against the door, then sliding and footsteps were heard more clearly. I looked up and saw my brother and some other people being shoved into the room, before he was right in front of me holding my face in his shaky hands while he spoke to me, only I couldn't hear it at all. 

I lowered my eyes to my shaky bloody hands, which rested on my scraped up knees. 

"Please.. look at me.", Gyeong-su whispered as everyone else spoke in the background. I tilted my head at him whilst tears streamed down my face, "The girl.. she, she was on top of him and she... she was eating him.", I sobbed out as I was pulled into his warm embrace, like he was trying to shield me from danger even though that was most likely impossible. 

I cried into his shoulder before more banging was heard, causing me to snap my head up quickly from his shoulder to see Cheong-san and On-ji banging on the door. Everyone started screaming to lock the door and not let them in until Cheong-san pushed open the window, "You open it!", he shouts inside.

My brother stood up and quickly ran over to the door, shoving the other boy to the side then unlocking and opening the sliding door for them both, letting them in very quickly before slamming the door shut and pushing himself against it.

"Are you okay?", My brother asks them both as the other boy shuts the window again, just for better protection. I push myself up and wipe my hands down on my uniform which was now covered in blood that didn't even belong to me. My body was still shaking and my mind was still racing with thoughts of why or what is happening at this very moment in time, what caused it or what can stop it.

"On-jo!", a girl exclaimed loudly, running towards her and taking her into her arms tightly, squeezing her like she'd disappear if she didn't. Cheong-san walked over to me and pulled me into his chest, which didn't help as much as it usually did. "Are you okay?", he whispers into my ear, which earned a rough headshake. 

He pulled away and put his hands on my cheeks, tilting my head a good bit so I could see him better, "What did you see?"

My lip began quivering and I shook my head which made him nod and pull me back into his arms, tightly might I add before more banging was heard on the door.

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