Part 4

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 I had only gotten about 10 minutes of sleep before I fell backwards outside of the room due to our gym teacher ripping the door open. My eyes snapped open and I pushed myself back up, sorta like a pull up but I used my hands to push me backup and into the room again before the gym teacher slammed the door shut and fell against it, panting whilst I just stood up in front of him, holding my hand over my now racing heart. 

"What the hell, man!", Dae-su shouts at him, walking over to me and wrapping an arm around my shoulder, weirdly being nice since he was always picking on me every chance that he got in school. Coach Kang looks at me and apologizes with his eyes before asking, "Are you guys okay?"

I shook my head, "Besides the small heart attack you gave us, we're fine..", I mumble, pushing Dae-su away and walking to a desk and sitting down, taking deep breaths in to try and calm my nerves. They should've been watching the door but at the same time, I shouldn't have just sat against the door to fall asleep.. I can't be doing that anymore. 

Everyone else nodded at my answer which got a sigh from Coach Kang, "What about you? You weren't bitten?", Gyeong-su asks quickly, walking towards him a bit but also being careful. For a second, the Coach looked upset before he quickly changed his expression, "No. Of course not. I'm, I'm alright.", he confidently says.

I stood up from the chair and crossed my arms, staring at him, trying to see if he did get bitten or not only for me to see nothing on his battered up body. "Hey, guys. Let's block the door first.", he suggests, looking behind him through the window in the door.

Coach Kang grabbed the desk that was beside me and staring moving it in front of the door which made everyone else help him, besides me. I stood there and watched him with my eyebrow raised, wondering what was up with him since he was acting very weird. I saw something on his arm and my heart began beating quicker as I tried to get a better look, only for Na-yeon to get in my way,  blocking my perfect view. 

I cursed under my breath and pushed towards him, "Coach Kang? You called the cops, right?", I heard her ask him while everyone kept moving desks and chairs in front of the doors, barricading us in from the zombies outside that wished to eat us from the outside, in.

"You and the teachers. Help's coming."

"Yeah, sure.", he didn't show her much attention before moving on towards everyone else, telling them to put the chairs and desks higher in front of the door and that's when I saw it. He had a bite mark on his left arm, still bloody and fresh even though it had some dark stuff around it. I quickly walked over to On-jo and grabbed her arm tightly, "His arm..", I whisper to her as her best friend walked over, saying the same thing to me. 

On-jo gripped my hand and looked at Coach Kang before speaking, "Coach Kang. Your arm.", once she said that, his entire expression changed. He looked terrified but also angry at the fact that she had pointed it out. "What are you three doing? Come help us!", he shouts at us, making me shake my head.

"You were bitten!", I yell at him, letting go of On-jo's hand and stepping us a bit with a sudden feeling of bravery, which just came out of nowhere.  Everyone stopped moving and looked at us, then Coach Kang, then slowly moved away a bit as they saw his arm, which made him look down at his arm, "What is it?", someone asked from the corner of the room, where Su-hyeok was still holding a desk, like he was gonna throw it if he had to.

"I wasn't bitten.", he states whilst still staring at his arm with wide eyes. Maybe he didn't know he was bitten or maybe he was just trying to cover up the fact that he did know and he was locking himself in a room with teenagers who weren't bitten or infected by whatever the fuck is going around. "He said he wasn't bitten.", Gyeong-su says from his spot in the corner with the others while I just kept staring at Coach Kangs face, feeling a little bad.

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