Part 12

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  Everything felt weird. It felt like I had just woken up from the longest nap in the entire world. Zombies were heard growling along with the sound of masculine screaming, or yelling?

Cheong-san.. did he leave me?

At a normal speed, I pushed myself up the best I could but stopping when I felt something wet trickle from my head all the way down to my neck, making me reach my hand back a bit to feel a thicker, colder liquid on my fingertips before I pulled my hand around to see it was blood. 

"Shit..", I cursed quietly before turning my body a bit to crawl from beneath the fallen bookshelf. I pulled myself out from underneath and let out a breath that I had been holding before pushing myself up and onto my feet then turning towards where heavy breathing was heard. I peeked around the fallen shelves to see Gwi-nam with a bloody eye and bites covering his body while he sat on the table wondering what was happening to him.

I popped my knuckles, causing him to snap his head towards me, "You're like me so calm down."

He pushed himself up, slowly moving past the zombies in hope of them not coming towards him again but once he realized they wouldn't, he fully kicked himself off of the table and towards me, grabbing me by the neck, "Why did you let him to that to me, Nabi?"

I stared at him in the eyes and said, "We could be doing this somewhere else with different meanings.", his face went red and his grip weakened so I quickly grabbed his wrist and slammed him into the fallen shelf, holding his arm behind his back, making him grunt a bit from the force.

"Listen, you came at him with the knife so to me, that seems like a perfect fucking reason to throw you into a pit of zombies and stab your fucking eye out, you get it now?", I whisper into his ear, making him huff and push his chest out, sending us both backwards a bit to where he was now facing me and I still had a grip on his wrist.

He shook his head, "You're not worth my time.", he began walking off, yanking his wrist from my grip. I rolled my eyes and began following him, ignoring the zombies growls for food as I did so. 

"I'm sticking with you for now, buddy."

He didn't say anything or make any movements to stop me from following him, so that's what I did. After a while of walking down halls and pushing past zombies that moved mindlessly past us, we finally found a room that we were gonna stay in for a bit till we could figure stuff out. 

I slid the door open and shoved him inside, then went inside myself and shut the door behind me, sighing at the nice feeling of not being pushed around by zombies. "So, do you know what's wrong with us?", Gwi-nam asks from behind me, his footsteps getting closer and closer as I rested my forehead against the door, "I don't know.. all I know is that I was trying to get a phone then zombies began chewing on my stomach, and now I'm like this."

He hums and wraps his arms around my waist, making my breath hitch a bit as he rested his chin on my shoulder, "What would your brother think if he knew we were together like this?"

I turned around quickly, shoving him off then slapping him hard, sending an echo through the room and his head to the side, "Don't speak of my fucking brother, you prick.", I walked past him as tears began to fill my eyes at the mention of Gyeong-su.

I stood in front of the window, trying to hold myself together as some tears slid down my cheeks, suddenly burning my eyes, making me lift my hand up to wipe my tears only to see that they were red tears, not clear. "Is he gone?", Gwi-nam suddenly asked from his spot behind me, still standing where I once was.

"Yeah.. he is.", I sniffled, trying to keep away from sharing the details and what happened, but clearly he got that because he didn't ask anymore questions as he walked over to me, grabbing my cold hand and turning me around, then hugging me tightly by wrapping his arms around my waist while my head rested on his chest. 

I finally got the courage to wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him down a bit as I cried into his chest, letting my tears fall. After a while, we were sitting down next to each other, asking random questions towards each other since we had nothing better to do. 

"Why do you treat me like shit?", he asked, making me chuckle.

"Cause you are. Next, why do you still try talking to me?"

He didn't reply for a second but then said, "Cause I truly did miss you and what we had."

I nodded, "Why don't you try talking to me?"

"Because you're a terrible person. Do you have feelings for me?"

I turned my head towards him only to see him looking at be as well, "I do, sadly.. I tried getting over you but when that night came.. I couldn't.", he shook his head at me. 

"Do you have feelings for me..?"

My face was getting hot so I just quickly leaned forward and kissed him, putting my hands on his cheeks and holding him in place as our lips moved together, like nothing could hurt us in this moment. His hand lowered to my hip, pulling me closer to him and eventually, on his lap. 

I pulled away as he began kissing down my neck, "We need to stop..", I sighed out, trying to keep myself from folding under the amazing feeling this gave me. He pulled away and looked at my flustered face, "Do you want to?"

I thought for a second before shaking my head and pecking his nose, "I don't know how I feel towards you.."

He raised an eyebrow, "Do you like someone else?"

"I feel something for you but I feel something for someone else at the same time."


I licked my lips and softly spoke the name...


This story is rather short and I apologize, I just have no idea what to do now but I'm working on making the next one better, I swear! Anyways, who do you think she has feelings for? 

I'll narrow it down for you, my loves.

Cheong-san or Su-hyeok.   ;)

Ah, I love this story so much, dude. Haha, anyways, thank you for the comments and everything else, I'm so greatful! Have a good valentines day! <3

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