Part 5

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 Everything went so fast. One second Coach Kade's mouth is moving right towards me then the next, he's being kicked off of me and I'm not able to move. My heart felt like it was racing on a TV liveshow right now and there was nothing I could do about it besides lie down and try to stay safe.

I heard screaming and the boys grunting as Cheong-san helped me up, quickly but gently at the same time, asking multiple times if I was okay and if i was bitten, which got a simple headshake since I didn't feel like speaking at that very moment, also because my brother and friend are holding a zombie against the wall.

I thought we had it under control until I heard groaning and bones crunching again, causing me to look on the other side of the room to see Min-ji on the floor, turning into a zombie. I gripped Cheong-sans arm and pushed us both backwards in fear of what just happened, happening again because I knew that if it did happen again, I wouldn't be ready and I would most likely turn into a lunchable.  

Dae-su grabbed her as soon as she fully turned and began running at people, he held her the same way he held onto Coach Kang. You could tell he was scared but in the end, he was trying to save everyone and I respected that about him even though he could be a bit of a dick sometimes. "We have to go.", someone shouted before Cheong-san looked at me and nodded before running over to where the chair was being held and switching places with Su-hyeok, who came over to me and stood next to me before quickly grabbing my hand and taking me to the doors.

He let my hand go and began moving the desks and chairs away from the door before looking around and screaming, "Get out!", he pulled open the door and out I slipped. I ran as quick as I could, dodging zombies and not paying attention to if they had ran out or not, but in that moment, none of that mattered besides finding a safe room to stay in because I knew right then and there, I had fucked up badly.

I screamed as a zombie ran towards me before remembering what Su-hyeok had taught me. I squeezed my eyes shut and dropped to the ground, sliding under the zombie and causing it to flip frontwards onto the cold, bloody ground whilst I pushed myself up and began up the stairs, pushing and dodging past even more zombies.

I had made it up two things of stairs before running down a hall and seeing not that many zombies. "shit, shit, shit!", i cursed as some ran down the hall, leaving me no choice but to run into an empty room and slamming the door shut behind me, sending the zombies right into a hard surface as I slid down the door, holding my hand over my heart and panting rather loudly. 

"Fuck!", I scream loudly, causing the zombies to growl and bang outside of the door at my sudden outburst. My head was pounding and my leg was hurting very bad, so bad to the point of where it literally felt like it was on fire.

I moved my head down and saw a fairly large cut on my calf, which was bleeding quite a bit, sending some droplets of blood onto the ground. I winced, pushing myself against the door more, sending my body up into a standing position before I walked away towards the window, looking out to see zombies walking everywhere, not a human in sight. 

Some tears slid down my cheeks from the sight. All of a sudden, I felt something wet trickle down my nose, causing me to wipe my hand under it since it might've just been snot from running until I looked down at my hand to see blood. 

I screamed and fell backwards, wincing at the feeling of my bones shattering. I gripped my throat as it began burning while my other hand rubbed my eyes after my vision started going red. "Help!", I sob loudly before a loud crunch was heard, sending me onto my back as pain shot up my body. My eyes went wide as my back arched from the immense pain I was feeling before I turned myself over, ignoring the burning, ripping pain i felt throughout my entire body, including the hunger for food.

At this point, my vision looked how ketchup comes out once you first open it. I pushed myself up with my arms and cried out once my arm cracked and dropped like a bone hanging from one piece of skin. I used my other arm which was still working and pulled myself up, and onto my legs which were shaking before I wobbled to the door, pushing it open to be met with zombies, who weren't attacking me.

I looked around like a crazy person and pushed through them, not letting the fear of them get to me as I pushed through the hallway, crying loudly and holding my broken arm to my stomach, which was beginning to feel like someone was taking a knife and carving shapes into my intestines. I heard crying above me and used the rest of my strength to walk up the stairs and down the hall before I collapsed to the floor, sending my chin straight to the floor with a gnarly crunching now. 

"Oh, my god!", a female voice shouted before I was picked up and carried somewhere, then a loud noise echoed in my ears, making me wince. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Dae-su carrying me bridal style in his arms whilst slightly panting. "She's infected!", the snobby bitch screamed, making Dae-su jump and drop me to the ground, making another crunching sound come from my body as my arm snapped in half, almost.

I cried out again before everything went red, like everything.

Eat them.. 

I tilted my head and pushed myself up, suddenly not feeling any pain in my body anymore. As a matter of fact, It felt like nothing at all.

"Sis?", my brothers sweet voice said quietly before a hand was placed on my shoulder, causing me to quickly turn around and grab the person by the shoulder and sending my teeth into their neck, causing everyone to scream as the person fought to push me off. 

I couldn't help it.. the blood tasted so good. I was suddenly grabbed and thrown onto a table, making me snap my head up to see my brother, gripping his neck tightly before he fell against the wall to the floor. Cheong-san was crying while the others looked sad, but ready to fight whilst Dae-su checked my brother out.

"You are a monster."


I shook my head, "No.."

They all started laughing and that's when everything went dark.

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