Part 8

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"No, you put the rice first.", Gyeong-su complains, smacking my hand, causing the rice to drop back into the bowl. I snap my head to him and raise an eyebrow, "Did you just smack my hand?", I question, pushing towards him whilst on my tiptoes to gain some height to look a little more tough, which only got a chuckle out of him.

We were both arguing over who could make the best lunch and it involved putting rice first but he didn't want to admit that. "You put the soup mixture first and then put the rice, and the other things.", he shows me by doing it to his bowl. 

I roll my eyes, "But this is my meal."

"It's my meal now.", he smiles, finishing his lunch off before grabbing some chopsticks then walking away, making me groan and stomp my feet down in annoyance.

"Screw you!", I shout which earns a laugh from the living room along with the sound of anime. 

I finished making my food then sat down at the table before using my chopsticks and munching on the kimchi that rested above my rice, smiling at the amazing taste it brought to me. I sighed and pulled my phone out, scrolling through photos, trying to figure out what to post on instagram since I hadn't posted on it in a while. 

After finding a cute photo of me and Su-hyeok, I decided I would post that and caption it, "Miss you." with a small heart beside it along with the hashtag 'bestfriendforever'. I knew for a fact that Gwi-nam wouldn't be happy that I was posting other boys on my social media but at the end of the day, what he thinks really doesn't matter. 

Let me clear some things up, I'm not dating him nor do I like him. He is fairly attractive but definitely not my type since he does terrible shit and acts like a bad boy. My type is mainly soft looking boys and nice dudes since they treat me well. 

"Cheong-san's here for you!", Gyeong-su shouted from the living room, making me shove some rice into my mouth before standing up and walking out of the kitchen and through the living room to see Cheong-san standing at the door. I smiled and grabbed my backpack, throwing it onto my back, ignoring my brother's smirk that he was giving the boy of us as I greeted Cheong-san with a hug.

I looked up at him and smiled, "Good Afternoon.", he said with a soft voice. "Shut up and let's get going.", I tell him, walking past him and out the door, my smile getting bigger whenever Gyeong-su threatened him to not let anything happen to me or else he wouldn't see the sky tomorrow.

Me being me, I waited outside of the door and scrolled through my phone, waiting for him to walk out of the stupid house so we could head to the park and continue our little hangout day. 

Finally, he walked out with a smile on his face, showing his chubby cheeks a good bit before he took off, leaving me behind. I groaned loudly before taking off after him, almost falling a couple times because I was trying to make sure my skirt wasn't flying around everywhere, along with my chest bouncing. 

I had pulled my hair back earlier so I didn't have to worry about being hit in the face with my hair every second that i ran, which was a lot of seconds since we ran all the way to the park without any breaks. Good exercise, yessir. 


I sat under on the bleachers outside of the gym where the dance was being hosted since my dance had left me behind for some other chick who doesn't even like him. I was planning on just going to Su-hyeok or even Cheong-san but went against it since they both had someone to dance with, even if I was a tad bit embarrassed for being alone.

I sighed and scrolled through my social media some more until i heard a door open and close, then a familiar voice, "Did someone call for an amazing brother?", Gyeong-su smiled as I turned towards him, wiping some tears that had fallen from being left behind. I chuckled and stood up, fixing my dress a little before walking over to him, "Please don't dance tonight.. it's terrible.", as I finish that, he breaks out into some dance moves, making me laugh uncontrollably.

He continues to do that for a second before stopping and bowing a bit, then holding his hand out. I smiled and took it with a big smile on my face while we walked towards the gym where the dance still took place in, "Thank you for coming tonight, brother.."

"Whenever you texted me, I wasn't going to come but then I felt bad so I came for ya.", he pinches my wrist, making me curse at him loudly, slapping his head with my free hand. 

"Screw you, dude."

He chuckles then lets my hand go, "Race?"

I smile, "You know it.", I say, bending down to take my heels off then tossing them over to the side of the gym that we had made it in. Once they hit the floor, I lined up on the line, figuring out my plan to get past all of the people dancing or just standing in the middle of the gym. He lined up beside me, "Ready... set..... go!", he screams and we took off with my being in front, my dress flying back a bit since it was longer in the back but shorter in the front, along with my hair.

It was like everything was in slow motion as I ran past people, like I wasn't even there in the first place. My brother chuckled loudly through the crowd, making me turn my head a bit to see him falling behind because of the crowd, then I was met with something hard, causing me to fall forward.

Someone had their hands on my hips as I rubbed my forehead a bit with my free hand that wasn't holding me up. I opened my eyes and saw Gwi-nam under me with a smile, "Damn, already on top of me?", he winked, making me internally gag.

I pushed myself up and backed up from him, not even bothering to help him up as people gathered around us. "It was an accident.", I state as he rises up from the ground, brushing his black jeans off then fixing his hair, which was slightly winded from the fall.

"What about last time?"

I groaned and flipped him off then turned around, walking off, frowning as people talked bad about me for 'sleeping' with Gwi-nam. I met my brother through the crowd and grabbed his hand, yanking him with me as I walked through to get my heels which were still lying on the ground, unbothered. 

"What's wrong?"

"Let's just watch a movie with Mom when we get home.", I state and he chuckles, "Alrighty!"

Oh my gosh, I just wanted to thank you guys so much for 1.8k views on this story! This is the most i've ever gotten and it makes me feel really happy to know that some people are enjoying this story.. wow. I've been doing a lot of makeup work for school so my schedule is a bit messed up which means that the chapters are gonna be a little late, maybe? I normally post at night since I'm more active during that time but please, do not be afraid to leave comments, it helps me out to know how you guys feel about this story!

Once again, thank you so much and I hope you enjoy the little memories for our sweet boy. ALSO! Who should Nabi get with in the story? I have mixed emotions about some of the boys so comment on the boy you want and the one with most comments is who I will put her with, thanks!




Or keep her single-

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