Part 14

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  Everything was dark for what felt like forever before my eyes snapped open with a burning pain and red vision. My body hurt slightly but I was able to sit up normally, only having a couple cracks and crunches from my body going back to normal after being thrown out of a window on the fucking third story.

I squeezed my eyes shut then opened them again, sighing when nothing went clear but instead stayed red and burning. I pushed myself up, grunting at the pain in my lower half before slouching over a bit, letting my hair fall down towards the ground then rounding it all up and then flipping my body back up.

I pulled my hair band from around my wrist and began tying my hair up in a messy ponytail that had some strands loose in the front before turning my head towards the doorway and making my way over to it, listening as my bones moved back into place while I licked my lips, tasting my blood.

Zombies were walking everywhere when I made it inside. They were pushing past each other, slightly shoving each other a bit as they did so but nevertheless, minding their own business as they waited for a human to walk in so they could feast. I walked past them, my hair swaying behind me as I did so, while I made my way up the stairs before stopping and turning my head towards a door that had a bathroom sign above it. 

I smiled and turned my body around, then began walking that way so i could wash my hands and face off. I pulled the door open and walked inside, taking in a deep breath before stepping in front of a mirror to see my bloody face and red eyes that had no white inside of them at all.

Quickly, I turned the faucet, smiling more when water actually came out then ducked my hand below the water, rubbing the dry blood off of my hands, then switching and wiping my face off. After, I cupped some water into my hands and drank it quickly, moaning at the feeling of something liquidy going down my throat.

Finally, I lifted my head up and smiled at myself in the mirror, looking like myself again besides for the bloody uniform and shit like that. I turned the water off and began out the door again, then towards the stairs to try and find out where the others were so I could tell them that I was indeed alive and so was Cheong-san.. oh shit, I had to warn him about Gwi-nam.

"Fucking hell..", I cursed as a zombie popped up in front of me, before I tripped it, sending it down the stairs with a loud crunch as it landed on its neck, making me feel a tad bit bad. I took off towards the direction where the room should've been only to be met with a open door and no one inside. How long was I.. dead?

I heard panting above me before quickly turning around and going up the stairs, taking turns and shoving zombies down behind me so I could get through. I heard Su-hyeok above me so I knew I was getting closer. I smiled and began running down the hall, my head moving around everywhere before I stopped in front of a door.

I stepped forward and began pounding on a door, "Let me in!", I yell whilst still slamming my hands against the hardwood door, hoping that they would let me in even though I was bitten. "Nabi..", Su-hyeok's voice rang from inside before the door slid open and I was yanked in before some zombies could get in, the door slid shut. 

Everyone was staring at me with wide eyes until Su-hyeok brought me in for a hug, bending down to my height and squeezing me tightly as if I'd disappear in the cold thin air that surrounded us boringly. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck, smiling a bit as I stuffed my head into his shoulder, listening to his heart a bit before he was jerked backwards from me and a sharp broom was pointed directly at me.

"She was bitten!", someone shouted from behind the dude in front of me as he panted slightly, fear in his eyes while they stared directly at my wounded stomach that had stopped bleeding awhile ago. I looked down at it sheepishly and shrugged, "Yeah, that happened awhile ago. I believe when I went to get your stupid phone for you all.", I growled, snapping my head up and glaring directly at Cheong-san, who was standing near the window with a sad, but relieved look on his face whilst he stared down at his bloody shoes.

I nodded and looked around at everyone, "How are you still here then?"

"I have no idea. I never had a nose bleed and I was thrown out a window.", I pushed past Wu-jin, giving him a shoulder bump as I did so. Everyone was clearly shocked that I was still moving around even when half of my stomach is chewed up from the two zombies that got ahold of me. 

I sat in a chair and sighed, leaning my head back against it, "Why'd you leave me?", Cheong-san didn't answer for a bit before saying, "I didn't see you. I thought you had turned and ran."

"You're fucking hilarious."

I sniffed the air and inhaled something rotten, making me tilt my head to see Nam-ra looking at me while holding her arm, causing me to stand up and walk over to her with everyone still looking at me, "How did you get that?", I point to her arm.

"How did you know.."

"I can smell you. You're like me, right?", she nods slightly, removing her hand to show me a bite. "That bully, Gwi-nam. He did it."

I snapped my head up at her, "What do you mean?"

"He bit me after attacking Su-hyeok.."

I grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze, "Whatever happens, you have to control it, okay?"

She nods and squeezes my hand back before I turned to everyone, "If you have an issue with her, take it up with me because right now, I'm starving and do not want to be fucked with.", I sat down in front of her with a quiet sigh as I thought about what happened to me.

No one spoke for awhile as I sat in front of her, silent while she played with my hair, like Gyeong-su did when he was nervous or bored. "We thought you died.", she whispered quietly, but loud enough for only me to hear while everyone spoke in front of us, trying to be quiet.

"I did die. I was thrown out a window by Gwi-nam and I believe I died for a little bit before I woke up again.", I told her, making her pause for a moment. "What do I need to expect.."

I snickered, "Severe hunger. If you're near a human then you are gonna try to eat them at some point, which is why I'm gonna try and leave at some point so I can keep you guys safe.", I told her lowly, wishing I didn't have to do it.

"You don't have to leave, ya know.. they'd understand. Especially Cheong-san. When he didn't see you with us, he broke down into tears and kept punching stuff to the point of where Su-hyeok and Dae-su had to pull him off.", she informed me.

I waited a second before replying, "He'll get over it..."


 I know, pretty lame chapter but trust me, it's gonna get better. The rest of the chapters may be a little...... spicy so please read with caution and make sure you aren't sitting with your parents. Uhm, another thing. I start school tomorrow so updates are gonna be a little bit.. delayed at sometime but I'm gonna try and get them ready tonight before I go to school tomorrow.

And I have a huge question. 

How are you guys liking this story? This is my first story that had over 700 views and I just want to know. Another thing, thank you so much for voting and commenting on these chapters, it makes me so happy to see people interacting with my story! 

I love you all so much and thank you! <3

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