Part 3

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 I was sitting in a chair that was facing the window, giving me a perfect view of what was going on outside and let me just say, it makes your heart beat 25x quicker and a lot harder than normal. People were attacking each other and some were eating each other.. or most were eating each other like they were just animals snacking on rabbits or anything they could find.

It's like they didn't have the power to not want to eat someone by what I was seeing. I had spoken since I got into the room and some people were actually getting worried, like my brother and Cheong-san, along with On-jo and her best friend, since she knew I could actually speak. I hadn't blinked as much and my eyes were as dry as the Sahara Desert along with my lips.

Out of nowhere, a hand banged on the window. I pushed my legs backwards, sending me onto my back whilst still in the chair while the others ran my way, making sure I was okay and checking the hell was outside of the fucking window. I blinked a couple of times as two people crawled inside of the window.

"Bare-su! It's Bare-su! Help him up!", the boys screamed before reaching and helping to pull him up as he struggled to do it himself. "Quick, quick, quick!"

My brother came over and pulled me up by putting his arms under my armpits then pulling me to his chest, "You're fine.. I promise.", he says quietly, making me nod in understanding. I walked away from him and towards the front of the room, searching for our phones only to see that the box of phones was gone and nowhere in sight meaning that they had to be in the principal's office for keeping over the day. 

"Zombies.", someone panted. I snapped my head up when growling was suddenly heard along with a loud thud, only for me to see a bloody face at the door, leaning against it while it drooled blood from its mouth. So, we had no phones, I don't have my backpack, and we're surrounded by monsters. Great.

I walk back over to the group and stood in the middle with my arms crossed, "Start checking the desks for phones.", I tell them all making the snobby bitch turn to me, "Excuse me? Who are you--"

"Unless you want to fucking sit here without any way to call for help, then sit on your ass and wait for the face eaters to get in here and fuck us all up. Be my guest.", I spit at her while pushing towards her, making her shove me backwards. "You're crazy.", she mutters before turning and walking towards the desk with everyone else while I walked to the door and held it shut with the other boy, whom I did not know.

"Here!", I-sak yelled whilst standing up quickly, making me snap my head to her to see her holding a phone in her hand with a small smile of proudness on her face. I pushed away from the door and walked over to her along with everyone else, only I stood right next to her as she swiped up on the phone, only for there to be a password on the phone.

"Whose is it?"

"This is Yeong-ju's desk.", she informs us quickly as she tried to guess the password, "It's locked.."

"Do something.", Na-yeon stammered as she tapped the phone screen at a quick pace, making me snap my head to her with a death glare that said to 'fucking stop before I throw your ass out the fucking window

"What do you want her to do? It's locked."

"Maybe it's her birthday."

She looks at her, "When is that?"

"I don't know. Hmm.."

I roll my eyes, "You don't need a password to call the police.. just swipe and dial 112.", I snatch the phone and walk away towards the doors before the phone was snatched from me by Cheong-san. He dialed 112 and put it to his ear as I walked away towards my seat in front of the window. 

Su-hyeok walked over to me slowly before placing his hand on my shoulder once I had sat down, "I was worried about you.", he mutters. I sighed, "Everyone was worried about someone, Su-hyeok.", I stare out the window with a blank expression as thoughts of family flooded my mind. 

"I know, I just wanted you to know that you were the first person I thought about when this happened.", he pats my head and then walks away, leaving me with what he had just said, which hit a small place in my heart. I was the first person he thought of..

After a while, no one had shown up and it was most likely because Cheong-san had told the operator that zombies were attacking and eating people. I was now sitting on the floor next to the door whilst picking at the scab that had formed on my knee, even after my hand had been smacked twice by both my brother and Su-hyeok. 

"Let's call the cops again.", Na-yeon suggested, standing up and looking at all of us. I groaned, "On-jo has been trying but they clearly won't pick up.. they're most likely busy trying to help other people or even saving themselves first.", I grumble, letting my head fall back against the wall.

While On-jo stared at the phone trying to figure out what to do, Na-yeon had began walking over to the class president, fuck that, she walked over to Nam-ra and began speaking, "Hey. Do something.", she said lowly whilst she stared out the window as if she wasn't even here.

I pushed myself up and walked towards them both, "Back off, Na-yeon.", I glare.

She ignores me and continues to speak, "Tell Miss Park to come and help.", she said like an idiot which finally caused Nam-ra to turn her head a bit with a numb look, "Do something."

"Do what exactly?", Su-hyeok and I both said towards her. "I don't know. Anything.", she remarked loudly. 

She turned back to Nam-ra, "What have you done as class president?"

"Stop it.", another girl said.

"Huh?", Na-Yeon said to her again but this time, she pushed her chair back and stood up, moving in front of Na-yeon a bit and looking straight at her with a blank expression that nobody could read, probably not even herself. "Teacher's office? So you just want me to leave right now?", Nam-ra asked her suddenly. 

"Well, if you're offering."

"You told me to do something. Do you want me to leave?"

"Stop it, you two.", On-jo leans against the wall in front of the window whilst staring at the two, just like I was, only I was beside Nam-ra. "She's only saying that because you're the class president."

"Yeah. You are, right?", Dae-su commented from his seat on the table.

"So just be patient, okay?", the other boy suggests with a normal look with his arms draped over Dae-su's chest area until Nam-ra turned her head at them, making him turn Dae-su's head aswell as his own which did make me crack a small smile.

"So stupid. Typical."

"What's typical?", On-jo asks from in front of the window.

Nam-ra turns towards her, "Now that we're in this mess, I'm your class president?"

I sighed, "We called the police, we should be fine.", I grumble whilst setting a hand on her shoulder, making her turn her head to me then letting out a breath before the crybaby spoke again, "But no one's coming!", she whined.

"Enough already! We're all scared too!", another screamed from the front of the room. "That's why I'm telling them to call!", she yells back.

I stepped up, "Are you fucking slow? We have called multiple fucking times and no one has answered, do you think that you're the fucking magic princess who gets whatever she wants? Spoiler, you aren't.. so sit the hell down and wait for help to arrive.", I shout at her before walking away and towards the door where my brother sat, shocked.

I wiped away a tear that had slipped from my eye, letting my body fall against his and closing my eyes, wishing this was like the nightmares he had so I could just wake up from it. I didn't wanna die like this nor did I want to have to live like this.. it wouldn't be worth living for, no matter what I got. 

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