Part the fourth

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When one is crying on the floor next to their lover, trying to condense a lot of memories to a comprehensive story (as he'd gotten terribly caught up in the memories), things can get a little muddled so I'm sure it's no stretch of the imagination to think how The Jim Moriarty was coping with an emotional ex-colonel-now-sniper-and-lover Sebastian. An amusing image. You will note that Seb is trying to 'condense' his story for Jim, but for you- the story, the whole story and nothing but the story.

At the age of 4, Sebastian witnessed his Father's views on love and how willing He was to express these...restrictive (yes restrictive) views. But he also saw his sister's power and influence.
It was the summer holidays so everyone, including John and Mark who were at university, was home. Home, for this large brood, consisted of a large country manor. It was HUGE, with around thirty bedrooms and acres upon acres of land; which, you would have thought made hiding an easy thing to do. You would have been sorely wrong.
All boys' rooms were on the second floor in the east wing, with the girls' rooms on the second floor in the west wing (two corridors down). An's room was in the boys' corridor, since the Incident. But the east wing faced the side of the house with the most trees, whose branches stretched right to the side of the house - near the windows. You see where this is headed? If someone wanted to leave perhaps? If someone else wanted to climb in maybe?

David figured this out right away. In fact everyone did, it was a matter of if they actually wanted to disobey the rules. The rules stated that, for under 10s, bedtime was strictly 7:30pm and for everyone else, it was 9pm. Their manor was not (in actuality) that far from the nearest town, a relatively big town and although it may seem unimportant, all the children were to take their 11 plus to determine the schools they went to. All having private tutors (and just being naturally smart) they were all intelligent enough, yet only 4 failed (which created a divide in the family factions a little) and thus went to public school. Needless to say that 2 of these were David and Darla, the other 2 were Christopher and Robert, too busy messing around to really focus (they all received severe punishment for this). Being in public school, however, allowed them to mix more efficiently with other people and have different friends- see where this is going? All friends had to be Father-approved to be allowed round, and even then, they weren't really allowed to visit. Being in secondary school for all these meant that after school, they had more freedom. You need to understand that their Father allowed them more freedom; they had between 3:15 and 6:00 to get back for dinner. If their grades kept up and they behaved, He left them alone.
David, naturally being more rebellious of his Father's rules, used this as the perfect way to go and meet his friends. At the age of 18 though, one starts to want love interests. Their Father was strict on this, no pre marital sex, and He has to approve.
John and Mark, going to meet friends on this particular summer night, saw David with his love David's bedroom.

It did not go down well.

At approximately 8:00am the next morning, Sebastian was rudely awoken by An, and told that everyone was being called to the cellar (or basement if you're American). The cellar was only used for the worst punishments and, having only witnessed this once, Sebastian immediately felt his stomach drop. He grabbed for tiger but remembered how well he'd being doing- besides An was going to be there to protect him.
It might surprise you how many things are considered on this scale, hence why Sebastian had previous knowledge of the cellar (or perhaps it wouldn't ).
David was on his knees with his hands behind his back, head down, already quite beaten by the time Sebastian and An got there. He looked awful and Sebastian actually feared for him. In this situation, nobody, not even Darla, was going to stop to proceedings. An's Incident saw to that- complete obedience in the cellar.

"This," began their Father in a clear cut commanding voice " is an abomination. He has defiled the name of the family" each full stop was punctuated with a crack of the belt (not the earlier belt, this one was reserved solely for the cellar and was caked in blood, mostly An's). " He is not a man. Not even a boy." He didn't even look to see where the belt struck, but rather, at the gathered siblings. Sebastian imagined that being at the front would have been terrifying. He was at the back (still able to see) and he was utterly still for terror. Each time the belt struck, Darla flinched as though she were going to do something. Theo and Elizabeth stared at the floor. An stepped closer to Sebastian, who was staring in horror, until they were shoulder to shoulder. "He. Was. Seen. Fornicating. With. Another. Boy." This earned some gasps (mostly from Elizabeth, Ella and Millie), some sniggers (most of the boys) and silence. " He has committed a disgusting act". Sebastian felt An step away slightly. He tilted his head at her. She was inching slowly round the edge. Their Father had stopped speaking and was instead focusing all his attention to David but Sebastian focused on An. She had an aura of panic about her but Sebastian trusted her not to do anything too drastic. He knew that they tolerated those two as allies but even so, they had a silent agreement not be seen in public together, didn't they?

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