Part the eleventh

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It was more out of habit that Zedd found himself in their abandoned house. Over the years, they had made it up; not by very much (mind you) but it was now more secure and a had an underground base where they did all their training and kept all their stock. He didn't know how she'd done it-neither of them knew- but one day, when they met, she announced she had a surprise. Naturally this had worried them, however, upon stepping into that splendid underground base (fully equipped with sound proofing and a decent sound system) they had loved it. And marvelled in her abilities.

He was there and waiting before he realised it was pointless. Nevertheless, she showed.
"You're here?" He couldn't hide the surprise.
"Of course. Sebby couldn't come, that roommate of his is still up. I would've told him to stay there anyway, what with his injuries."
"Speaking of which, spill." She walked over to him and leant her head on his shoulders. He wrapped his arms around her so that she knew she was safe with him. It may be rather clichéd but they had just...happened. One night before Seb had even been considered to join in with the plans. That was about 7 years ago now. The pair of them knew that Seb had his suspicions. Equally though they knew that they had to be careful- she had set up her own criminal life as one of the most unforgiving and infamous hit-men around (no-one even knew of her gender).

"He realised that I was the one who was slowly destroying his business. It was a minor punishment at first but he took it too far, then he saw the marking and realised. He didn't take too kindly to it."
"The marking!? Geez. You can't afford to screw up." He was awake with panic now.
"It's alright. There are two bodies in the morgue. Both match our descriptions. By tomorrow, they will legally be declared as us. He'll think us gone."
"Do I even want to know how two perfectly matching bodies happened to find their way to the morgue?"
"Hey!" It was a feigned-offended voice that she often used at such implications, "they were there all by themselves...kind of. A horrible fire. Terribly burnt corpses of two runaways. They now happen to be us."
"Who were they originally?"
"Kids like us, but not so lucky. Their tormentor found them and burnt them as he said he would. I merely claimed something that was of use. Not by my own product." She gave him a look that said 'so there'.
"You're awfully inquisitive today. I think they endangered the career of a rather promising ally for us."
"An ally? That sounds ominous. Don't get too caught up."
"No. I know. Just until the plan is seen through. I'm not going to brother with him though. Not much of a team player if you ask me. Like the duke of Buckingham. Does things for his own benefit." She nestled closer to him and he felt a damp liquid against his chest.
"Are you bleeding on me An?"
"Let me see how bad it is." The pointed look he gave left no room for argument. She made a face and took off the top she was wearing to show him the wounds. He was appalled at what had been done to his An. His precious An. His.
He walked over to her and kissed her wounds. Every single one, until she was shaking, her body racked with tears. She shoved him against the nearest wall and kissed him ferociously.

I'm sure the ensuing activities are no stretch of the imagination for you dear reader.

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