Part the thirteenth

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The pair of them adapted almost immediately into their new habitat. They had a very simple arrangement: no contact at school, a little at the house, and then pretty much the same arrangement as before with regards to their nightly meetings. An became busier with the plan and the boys were either backup or training.

Their supposed death had gone down well as An informed them - neither asked how she knew this and neither boy particularly wanted to know either.

It had been about a week and a half and their life hadn't changed much according to Sebastian. The only major difference was that beatings were much less common, you had to really annoy someone for that or just make a stupid mistake at practise. By this point, An had established herself as a rather fierce redhead who sort of hung out with this group of girls. Sebastian was in a very different situation, he was among the popular kids of his year and therefore got to hang out with Zedd, who was also in the popular group.
Sitting next to him in nearly every class, Sebastian grew to like Jim. He and Finn had a problem though. As it turned out, Finn was part of a 'gang' who felt free to bully whoever as long as they didn't get caught. More than once, in the past week and a half, Finn had tried to beat him up. An said not to get in fights, thus, he cleverly avoided them- but he didn't think he'd be that lucky forever.
Sebastian had never much cared for what his sexuality was, he figured his life was going to be too short to care about it. He felt he got punished enough as it was without having to worry about that as well. He liked Jim- he could tell that he had a sort of darker side to him because he had this look. It was similar to the look his sister had at times. Jim was smart too. They didn't really talk much, even so, Seb still knew that pursuing anything with Jim would be pointless as he had only about 2 weeks before he moved back in with his father.

An felt like life hadn't changed. She still made good on her promise to destroy her father, so it's not like she actually really left them behind. She tried to discretely take care of little Veronica and Michael who clung together. They called her the fairy whenever they helped her as she kept her identity hidden.
She had a difficult time at the house as she and Laura didn't get along at all. An was practical, Laura was fashionable.An kept most her her talents hidden, Laura flaunted them. An easily found obvious flaws in Laura to exploit; Laura only saw Rae's flaws which they both knew weren't really flaws at all.
Everyday, she had to watch as some other girl who hadn't been told, or didn't care flirted with her Zedd. Those were the days where she practised very hard in the evening.

He was out, on a rooftop one evening, having taken out his hit that she'd set, when he saw him. He moved across the rooftops following him. He would've thought this stalking, if he hadn't seen the kerosene and knife in his hand. Jim, for it couldn't honestly be anyone else, was walking to a warehouse (Sebastian knew this one particularly well) and Seb just followed from the rooftops.

He had one week left but this fucker had annoyed him too much. When he went back to his father, he would once again be under that control and felt the need to flex the muscles in his power once more. The man before him, was a threat to a rather powerful hit-man who, had paid quite a substantial sum for him to be out the way as well, so he'd been given all of Jim's rage. The man was tied to a chair, dead already, but the hit-man, V, had said that it needed to look like a panicky job and Jim had to oblige (any ally who could cover up for him was worth it). And so, the man had his finger cut off post-mortem as though it were a mob hit. A hasty cremation should finish it off nicely the only problem was that he needed to move the body. A warehouse was too cliché. Pulling on gloves, he grabbed the feet of the body and was about to move it when...there was a small shuffle behind him.

Jim turned around quickly after Sebastian had announced his presence.
"You might need a little help with that." Sebastian started to move forward, however Jim brandished the knife to him.
"Are you playing a game? Are you going to go to the cops?" He didn't look scared just mildly concerned.
"You''re not disgusted by this?"
"No. It'" Sebastian found himself quite flustered but simply asked, "would you like some help?" Ah fuck, his accent and militant way had returned as though he were before his family again. Jim either didn't notice or didn't care (probably the latter) as he nodded his help. Sebastian walked over, grabbing the shoulders through his fine leather gloves.
"Where is he going?"
"Where would the mob put him?"
"Oh follow me then, boss." He added the last part with a small smirk on his face, Jim evidently had power. Had they not been busy carrying the body out of there, Seb would've seen a slightly inquisitive look from Jim inquiring as to how he knew this.
"So, why aren't you repelled by this Stan?"
"It's, um, well nothing new. Why did you murder him?"
"Oh, it's nothing new." They both gave small, strained laughs. They continued to wrestle with the body until they were just outside a small bar in the back alley. Sebastian nodded and they dumped the body unceremoniously against a dumpster. Jim pulled out the kerosene.
"If you're making it look like the mob, only put a little bit on the body. Put the rest near the bar as though he caught you trying to burn the bar."
"I know what I'm doing." Even so, Jim did as Sebastian had suggested. Once that was done the boys just walked back towards the warehouse talking quietly.
"So Stan, have you done the English homework?" Sebastian gave a barking laugh.
"We've just framed a murder on the mob and that's what you're asking?" A small pause, "no, I haven't. You?"
"No. I'm not going to either, not much point."
"Oh yeah, you're leaving next week. looking forward to it? Ah shit, sorry don't answer that if you don't want to." Jim just looked at Sebastian.
"No. I'm not looking forward to it. Not much I can do though."
"Doesn't seem like you're afraid to take measures."
"This is my dad."
"So? I'd do it." Jim looked at him.
"Your dad beat you?" Sebastian flinched at this and gave Jim a dirty look, "it ok, mine does as well. When I saw you I figured someone did."
"The way you sat." Jim saw him deep in thought.
"I'll change that then. You still wouldn't?"
"No, I don't think so. I do 'crazy' *in air quotes* stuff all the time but I don't think I'd do that...not yet."
"Crazy stuff? Like what?" He was being sarcastic, but even so Jim still grabbed his face and kissed him. It was a small kiss, a peck on the lips, and pulled away with a triumphant grin. Sebastian grew up in a very competitive family, he was not about to be outdone. He roughly pushed (a now rather frightened looking Jim) against the wall and kissed him full on the mouth. He pulled away, breathing heavily.
"People say that about me too." He turned to go but was pulled back roughly into a passionate kiss. Jim's tongue ran along Sebastian's lips who, gasped in surprise letting Jim's tongue explore his mouth. Jim pulled away rather suddenly with a smug grin.
"See you at school tomorrow." Sebastian just laughed and when Jim turned around again, he was gone.

She saw Seb's flushed face but didn't say a word. He'd been courteous enough to offer her a blind eye when it was rather apparent. She did, however, walk over to him and whisper lightly, "be careful", before getting back to dinner.

Zedd smiled to himself across the room at the exchange, but said not a word.

He had been right; his luck, concerning Finn, ran out.
He had decided to walk through the park because it had (quite frankly) been a shit day at school. Whilst walking through the park, he saw Finn and his 'gang' taunting Jim and he just snapped. He'd been dying to start on someone all day and waiting for this evening when he could train with An just wasn't soon enough. The thought of An though made him think more. He had to do this carefully in such a way that they instigated it. She would be furious if he screwed this up. He opted for walking by hunched over, giving a disapproving look in their direction instead of simply punching everyone. They noticed him immediately.
"Oi! Fuckwad. Where do you think you're going?" He had to make it seem as though he weren't gunning for a fight.
"Home. Got stuff I need to do."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah, she's beautiful." He allowed himself a genuine smirk at this- you've got to admit, it was funny, ok well it wasn't but it worked. They walked over to him and Jim left looking back at Seb who could see that he was in quite some pain.

There wasn't any warning, the first fist just came flying to him. He dodged it...obviously. They all tried to have a go at him. He was good and, even though a they landed a few punched, considering he was against a 'tough gang' of 8, he did very well. Certainly better than when his brothers had ripped apart his tiger 9 years previously.

"Oi come on. This fucker ain't worth it." They all just left with the promises of bruises tomorrow, clearly bored with being beaten. Sebastian felt much better for having done that and decided to just stay in the park for a little while. He found a bench to sit on near the wooded area and just stayed there for a little while. She would be mad, she hated when they drew obvious attention to themselves, but, he couldn't change time.
"Nicely done. You're bleeding." Jim sat next to him and examined the cuts on his face and his bleeding nose.
"It's nothing, you should've seen what I did to the other guys."
"I did. Please tell me you did that just because you've been feeling fidgety all day." Sebastian gave him a sideways glance.
"You noticed?"
"Yeah." He gave such an it's-obvious sort of look.
"What else could it have been?" Jim turned to look away at this blushing slightly.
"I worried that it might be because after last night, when know." He was all flustered and Sebastian thought it adorable, he smiled slightly at that.
"I'm not that stupid. You're leaving at the end of the week and I'll probably never see you again. Developing any kind of attachment would be dangerous."
"Good. I'm glad we agree on something" he stood up from the bench, "byeeee!"
Sebastian just watched him go for a while before getting up himself. He was going to have to prepare for the questions which were to be coming his way.

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