Part the fifth

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The boys weren't allowed in the girls' rooms and vice versa but with An being an exception to the rule, he'd never had need to. Theo and Darla flaunted those rules going to visit Elizabeth and David respectively.
Walking down the girls' corridor as quietly as he could, he had to try and guess which one was hers. She would be trying to heal her own wounds which would be painful. He listened as carefully as he could.
There! The left door. He heard a small muffled gasp. He heard nothing from the other rooms, it had to be hers. Wary of her anger, she turned the door knob as quietly as possible and walked in.

It wasn't Darla's room. Those gasps weren't from healing wounds.

He hurried out of the room and went to his own room. From there, he could hear people in David's room (it sounded like his Father and older brothers). He figured that it was still early, he hadn't had his breakfast, but when the day started like this everything was cancelled anyway. Despite being hungry, he didn't feel like leaving at all so he decided to stay in his room and try to figure things out.

He shifted on his bed and thought about what he'd seen. There were only 4 of them with blonde hair and both people had had deep brown hair so that ruled out the only girl with blonde hair. As far as he could tell, there was no blood so it was unlikely to be Darla. Elizabeth then?
There was a light knock on the door. He sat up in a bit of panic to see An's face. He immediately calmed. She walked in quietly shutting the and sat on his bed. She looked quite tired, she was obviously worrying.
"He'll be fine" he sat closer to her so that she could lean her head on his shoulder.
"He'd better be. Otherwise we'll be caught." With this she drew in a sharp breath. Occasionally, she would get this look, a really sad and terrified look as though he were going to be taken away in the blink of an eye. She had that look now. It was quickly gone and was replaced by a sly smile. He always liked that smile. Things always got done when she flashed that particular grin.
"Today everything's off. There's something that needs to be done and I think you would like to come along?" There was no question. He felt his face light up and knew that she saw it.
"What about Darla though?"
"She's going to be fine" he had not been expecting her to dismiss his question like that. "Come on. We're going into town."

Their Father (as has been mentioned) was a military man, so all of his children learnt about firearms. Only the boys were allowed to use their Father's old guns and Sebastian always loved it.

An was extremely careful to the point where he almost, almost, bought into the we're-just-going-for-a-stroll facade that she had going on. She started to slow down a little and he knew that they were nearing their destination. They were on the outskirts of town by an abandoned building.
"Tu est en retard" came a voice from the inside of the building somewhere.
"J'ai eu une problème. Maintenant, c'est nul." He knew that she learnt other languages but this one seemed to flow as freely from her mouth as English or German did. He made a gruff noise from the back of his throat to show his dislike for this situation.
"Habe kein Angst Sebastian" she muttered to him under her breath. A boy, of about the same age as An, emerged from the building. The boy was built like a beanpole.
"Now, now An. My extent goes to french. German just isn't fair." French. Of course it was French. The boy walked up to him. "Sebastian, hi. I'm Zedd. Come on in"
Zedd started back to the building and An nodded her consent for Sebastian to follow, which he did in keen interest. From the way that her posture was still comfortable around him, he figured that she'd known Zedd for a while. Considering she didn't go to school he wondered how, but not for long.

Once inside he saw a beautiful sight. Their Father's weapons were very few yet he still felt the power in them. Zedd, however had a neatly ordered pile of beautiful weapons in front of him.
"Where did you get these?" Zedd was about 10. He was is an abandoned house with a lot of weapons. These weapons were illegal.
"Oh I didn't get them." He nodded at An. Sebastian's eyes widened at his sister.
"It wasn't all me. Look Tiger, pick one. We'll teach you."
"You can do that?"
"Yeah of course. You see me looking tired." It all clicked into place. That's where she went at night, she went to train. She nodded her head and he walked over to the beautifully neat stash. There were so many and he recognised nearly all of them. The one that really caught his eye was a beautiful sniper rifle at the back. He remembered learning about their power, how far they could fire.
"This one"
"Sure. I've been meaning to bring you here for a while." She was bringing it down off the wall. "You'll have to stay with Zedd for a while. There's something that I've got to take care of. He knows how everything works so don't worry."
"You're not staying?" Sebastian couldn't believe it she was going to do this and then just leave.
"I'm sorry but...but I have to." Her voice broke in the sentence and Sebastian was so shocked that she just left. He could see Zedd go to go after her but he too just stopped. He turned and walked back looking awful.
"Come on" was all he said as he grabbed the rifle. All sense of playfulness gone.

They walked for a little while until they were on a rooftop.
"Here" Zedd passed him a suppression barrel "this is a..."
"Yeah I know what it is" Sebastian interrupted snatching it from his hand and fitted it perfectly to the gun.
"Don't be angry with her. It's difficult"
"Well what the fuck do you know about it?"
"You're 4 where did you hear that?"
"I'm 4 and learning to shoot a rifle. I know perfectly how to beat someone with a belt and you're asking me where I learnt the word fuck?" The sarcasm dripped from his voice as grease did from sausages.
" You remind me of your sister"
"An's like that?"
"Shit. Just focus on the gun."He was hiding something. None of his sisters were like that.
"What do you mean? And as you say, I'm the one with the gun."
"Kiddo, it's not my place to say." Sebastian hated being lied to. He also hated being patronised. He felt his anger surge up and before he knew it he'd punched Zedd square in the face.
"Tell me"

Zedd told him and he wasn't sure he could ever look the same way at An.

The french: you are late
I had a problem. Now it's nothing
The German: don't worry Sebastian.

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