The Client

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Earlier today.

Jim had arranged an important meeting today and he needed Sebastian there. It had been quite some time from the necklace incident but Jim hadn't forgotten about it, he was merely in the process of gathering more information and he hadn't gotten far. But that didn't matter today.

This client was rich and about as crooked as a hook. As usual, he had looked into the background of this guy but he was clean of most records- always a good sign for people looking to work with a ghost.

Striding confidently into the offices, as though he were any other businessman, in a favourite Westwood of his, he had his 'body guard' Seb behind him. Seb was fully involved in mostly all of their business. The only bits that Jim kept to himself were his plans for Sherlock, that's why Seb needed to be involved- for the end game.
"Ah good morning. I'm Mr Muchamore," then lowering his voice slightly, "I've heard so much about you Mr Moriarty."
"Thank you and good morning Mr Muchamore, this is my head of personal security, Mr Moran." Looking at them both, he saw recognition from both of them. His Tiger's face was tighter than usual yet, he retained his character and held out his hand with a firm "good morning".

The meeting went through the business that Mr Muchamore needed and they negotiated their terms. Muchamore was more sly than people gave him credit for, then again, anyone as wealthy as he with a completely clean record had to have his hands in some deep (criminal) pockets indeed.
"I'm glad we were able to reach an agreement Mr Moriarty, I shall be very pleased of your assistance in the matter."
"I'm pleased to do business with you Mr Muchamore." Muchamore smiled and then turned to a tense Sebastian. He walked over, very close, so close in fact, that even the normal person would have seen it as the threat of power it was. He didn't even look to Moriarty as he adopted a smug tone to say;
"I thought you had died with the she-scum, the whore and traitor. We all hoped. We'll see yet if we can make you vanish. Good bye." He then left them to see themselves out.
Sebastian behaved himself, he kept his game-face on all the way until their flat. In the cab on the way there, Morarty could see his Seb shaking from anger.
He, himself, was more than furious- he had a sort of calm that only came as the result of utter and incomparable anger. No one, NO ONE, was allowed to threaten his Sebastian, his Tiger. The only thing that held him back (aside from the copious witnesses) was the look on his Tiger's face, this was a job that he would want.

He just needed to know why.

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