Part the tenth

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Jenny was clearly stressed. She was running around the house like a headless chicken, leaving the others to get most of the morning routine done. Zedd watched with little enthusiasm. He was still worried, they met up every day. If they both couldn't make it, one of them came and if neither of them could, then they let him know. He hadn't heard from either of them in over 24hours and now he was very worried. Still, he had the heart to ask after Jenny.
"What's up? What've they done this time?"
"Oh!" she turned abruptly with her hand over her heart, "hon, you frightened me. Oh, it's nothing, just 2 new people by tomorrow. They just spring surprises on me like this. They haven't even been enrolled. I mean what will I do. This is none of your concern though sweetie, go on. You don't want to be late."
"Alright. Bye Jenny." He just tossed the casual goodbye behind him not even caring if she heard or not. He had other concerns.

Walking to school was usually tedious, but today, it was even worse. Some days, after a particular excursion the night before, he would worry that they'd be found. Once or twice he knew the police would've if she wasn't the A-class meddler and hacker that she was. If the walk there today was as long and arduous as this, then the actual day would be even longer.

He was correct. The day dragged on and on and on. He all but sprinted from the building at lunch. They weren't supposed to leave the sight, but hey, he was the proud co-owner (although she didn't admit to owning them at all, she owned all the other weapons not gun related) of guns in a country where that was illegal, so what were a few school rules? He sat himself down in the nearest park and ate his sandwiches angrily.
After his first sandwich, someone sat down next to him and by god! he wanted to punch them.
"Look, do you mind? I'm not exactly in the best mood and I could do with some space." He'd been really good all day- not even punching his bullies (they'd avoided him today, but still).
"Well," said a voice that was painfully familiar, "perhaps I do mind Zeddy darling."
"Sebastian! What the fucking hell are you doing here? Do you know that it's the middle of the day?" Sebastian was wearing a cap that shaded his face.
"As of yesterday, we have vanished." Zedd shivered at 'vanished'.
"How are you both? I presume -if you've had to disappear- you have wounds, but is she alright?"
"We found a place to lick our wounds. She's sorting us a place now." On closer inspection, Zedd saw his pained expression and realised it must've been really bad for them to finally leave.
"Where are you going?"
"She told me not to tell you." That grin, in that light tone hinted trouble to him.
"Do you know what?" Sebastian looked at him expectantly, "I'm not even going to think about that for now. I need to be back in school. Will I see you tonight?"
"No. And Zedd, I think we all know it's the only thing that's going to be on your mind."
"Aww shove off." He made as if to give Sebastian a playful shove, yet pulled away at the last second, knowing it would be too painful.

Of course, he was right though. They all knew that he was thinking about it. He was mildly concerned about it. There was mischief behind wherever they were going to stay and it didn't necessarily bode well for him. He thought about the surprise new people that Jenny was stressing over...they wouldn't. Oh dear god no. If they did, he laughed in his head at this (being in the middle of an assessment meant that he couldn't laugh outright and he wouldn't have even if it were a normal lesson). If it were them- which he didn't think it was- he hoped they knew what they were getting themselves in for, a care home was so different from the home he imagined they had.

They fit in perfectly.
The next day, after school, the pair of them had come in. They had gotten rid of their accents which would've given them away in an instant. Their posture, whilst good, was not their usual militant standard he'd become accustomed to. They didn't have their feline grace that they usually retained and they showed their minor flaws. It was as though they had let go. He knew them better than that. Them letting go was perfect assassin material not much different from the military way they had to be.
Their appearances had changed a bit as well. Her hair was in a small bob; their father had always insisted on long hair for the girls. Their eye colours were different. His were brown and hers were an amazing green. She had pierced ears and Sebastian had shaved half of his hair off -it suited him, he'd even go as far to say that he looked quite attractive like that.
After his well-concealed initial shock, he greeted them as he did everyone else. They knew their places well, as they greeted him as a stranger.
"I'm so sorry, but your arrival was so sudden so you'll have to share rooms."
"Thats absolutely fine. We understand that it's been...rather sudden." She said this perfectly timidly.
"Here, Laura, could you to your room please. Rae, this is your who you'll be sharing with." The girls went off.
"Oh hey, Zedd, could you show Stan to Alex's room. They're sharing."
"Of course. Stan, here follow me."
He managed to show Sebastian to Alex's room without getting any chances to tell him how much he could hit him; they were never out of ear shot from someone.
"Oi! Lex, this is your new room mate."
"Oh many times Zedd, it's Alex. I'm sure you can manage all the way to the end of my name," Alex turned to Sebastian offering a hand, "hi I'm Alex. You are...?"
"Oh, Stan. Nice to meet you." Zedd left them to their greetings and went down stairs.
"A pleasure I'm sure. You the one that Jenny's been stressing about?"
Sebastian nodded, "yeah. We had to ...uh...leave our last place quite suddenly." Their official story wasn't too far from the truth; their abusive father had gone too far and they'd run to a neighbour's house for help who had called the police. Their social worker had then assigned them somewhere as quickly as possible with the time frame being about a week in all.
"Hmm. What's the story then?"
"Don't really want to discuss it." He didn't say it in a timid way as his sister was to. No, he said it in a huffy moody-teenager sort of way.
A shout came from downstairs, "Hey! Guys! Grubbs up!"
"Ooh goody, I'm hungry."

Dinner was a very different affair to what they were used to. At home, it had been quite formal, with their father asking questions and polite conversation around the table. This, however, was a rowdy affair, involving most people. Looking at them, you would've thought them just two newbies not quite used to this. Zedd knew better though. He knew that the only time dinner had been like this for them, was when someone was to be punished. Once again though, he had to give them credit, they played their part very well. Probably because they kept it as close to the truth as possible- although Zedd didn't know much of the intricacies of how their family worked so he wasn't sure how close.

They answered their questions well. They were now, Rae and Stan Millar.

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