A Tiger and his Kittens

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Sebastian woke up to the sound of arguments. Because the entire place was sound proofed, it's safe to say that it was an incredibly...vocal, argument. Everything from the night before came rushing back in a pleasant memory. That was until, he remembered Dax.
He all but leapt out of bed for fear of her safety.

He'd never slept much, but, with his Tiger once again, he'd slept through the entire night. He woke up at 5:30am and loving (yes, lovingly) looked at the peaceful image of a sleeping Sebastian. His dirty blonde hair was up in all different directions, he had some beautiful bite marks on his neck and scratch marks adorning his back and torso. Needing to pee, he got out of bed.
On his way back to their bedroom from the bathroom (past the spare), he saw a faint pink glow coming from under the door of the spare bedroom. Quietly, he opened the door and caught his breath at the site. It wasn't so much the brightly coloured walls (pink and green in an Indian sort of style) that he saw, nor was it the smaller, single bed that he saw, no, Jim Moriarty saw the bundle shape under the duvet. He walked further into the room. It was breathing, he noticed as he leant slightly to inspect this...intruder.
'It', woke up and pulled a gun on him (fucking Sebastian hiding guns everywhere, I mean really? Do you need all those guns, you take people out with your teeth, I've seen it). Upon closer inspection, 'it' was a young girl of about 2 years. She appeared to have some familial resemblance to Sebastian. Had Jim really been gone that long?
"Who are you? And what are you doing in my house?" Her voice was steady and...
"Hey! It's my house. You don't own it."
"No, you're right," she cocked the gun (oh seriously Sebastian?! She's what? 2?!), "my dad owns it."
"No. I own it. I'm Jim. The house is under my name. We can wake up your dad and he can tell you, if you really like." Her eyes widened a little.
"You must be crazy! You don't wake dad up. Not if you don't want to be hurt."
"Hmmm," said Jim remembering how he'd learnt that the hard way and ended up with a fractured wrist. He looked down at her saw that her head was titled and her eyebrows were slightly knitted in a small frown.
"Are you 'don't-shoot-yourself' Jim?" He stared at her.
"Am I who?"
" I said 'don't-shoot-yourself' Jim. Dad sometimes talks in his sleep. He usually wakes up early but a few times he's fallen asleep on the sofa and I've heard him saying 'please Jim, just don't shoot yourself' ", she did an imitation of Sebastian here, which Jim would've found amusing if he hadn't been listening to what she was saying, "so are you that Jim?" Being only 2, her voice had been very fast and very high pitched so Jim had had to really focus to actually hear what she was saying.
"Um, yeah. I suppose I am that Jim." She smiled and put the gun's safety on. He watched as she put in on her bed, under her pillow. Then she turned back to him.
"Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm Daena, but I won't be happy of you call me that. Call me Dax." She grabbed his hand and started to lead him out of the room, "here, I don't know how to tell the time yet, but dad said that my body clock wakes me up just as his does. I think his can be a bit faulty sometimes. I might get him a new one. But when I wake up I can watch the cartoons on the tv. He usually makes breakfast, unless we have somewhere to be." She chattered happily to him as she lead him to the sofa. She turned the tv on.
"Ooh. Scooby Doo! That's the best one!" Jim stared at her wild eyed.
"What!? No! Scooby Doo is not the best. It's obviously Dennis the Menace."
"I knew you were crazy! Scooby Doo is amazing. You have Daphne and..."
"I don't care! Nasher and Dennis do the best things. They don't even get caught doing it."
"I bet Scooby and the gang could catch them." Jim pulled that face from the swimming pool scene- that face of untold shock and horror, except this time, it was genuine, even in his eyes.
"Take. That. Back!"
"No! They could do it!" This, is where Sebastian woke up, he was about to rush out of the room when, "Scooby and the gang could most definitely catch Dennis and Nasher!" Sebastian was now completely confused- he had just woken up.
"No, because they wouldn't have someone to unmask." Sebastian didn't have time for this. He needed the loo and would only really worry if he heard screaming and/or shooting. He went to the bathroom.
"Where are you from?" Again her head was tilted as she said this. Jim was caught completely of guard. That was new.
"Because you don't sound English, or French, or German, or Russian, or Hindi." With each word, she accompanied a very believable accent from each of the regions. Again Jim was surprised; this girl was not boring.
"I'm Irish." She seemed to think on this for a little while before saying 'Irish' in a very good Irish accent.
"Yes, I'm Irish."
"Irish. Hmm. Well then, Dennis the Menace is the best in Ireland, and Scooby Doo is the best in England." Jim gave a small laugh. Sebastian had come out just as she'd said this and gave her a proud look. They saw him come in.
"Guten Morgen!" She shouted gleefully. Seb smiled at her.
"Und du. Guten Morgen." He turned to Jim and wrapped him in a hug before saying quietly, "good morning you." He gave him a small peck on the forehead before moving into the kitchen.
"Of course, why should you even ask?" Seb rolled his eyes (not that Jim would ever see, that wouldn't go down well).
"Oh and, Sebby darling, I like this one."
"Excuse me", piped up her small squeaky voice, "I am not a thing or a what, I am a she and a who." The two men looked at her before laughing a little.
"Daxxi, where did you learn that?"
"Oh, it was something mum said when those men came. They said they were going to force her to be happy, but I don't think they did because she was screaming like when she was shot." Both men obviously realised what had happened and Sebastian's blood boiled. But, so did the kettle and he made the tea, just as Jim liked it. Once that was done, he handed the cup to Jim.
"Speaking of whom, who is she Sebby, you know I don't like competition." Seb shook his head.
"Remember those cu...um, the twins, my brothers? Remember the girl?"
"Of course, don't be so stupid, I remember everything." Sebastian refrained from saying 'of course you do' in a bitter fashion.
"Right, well turns out, she was skilled. She was also, my niece - before you ask, no I don't know where- but this, is her charming daughter."
"Flattery." Dax chipped in from the sofa.
"She died. They, whoever that is, found her and she said that I had to look after this little ragamuffin." This didn't even get a rise from her.
"So there was no one else then?"
"Jim, you were gone for 2 fucking years", he lowered his voice slightly, "I used. I couldn't... I just..." Jim hugged his Tiger and then pulled him in for a passionate kiss.
"I'm here now. I had to leave Sebastian. Don't be going soft." Sebastian looked up at his boss, his face dry from any tears. They both knew what it really was; it was the closest they were going to get to an apology.
"It seems London has been in good hands, though."
"Pity the best had to fake their own death."
"Sebastian, I had to."
"Yeah but you couldn't have let me know?"
"Oh yeah, post it note on the fridge, 'sorry, faking my death, see you in 2 years Jim x'?"
"Bet that Watson got one. I presume you've seen the news. Holmes is alive?"
"Of course darling. I'll make my debut shortly." Sebastian shook his head.
"Does that mean you two are boyfriends then?" She was staring at them wide eyed.
"Does what mean we're boyfriends?" Jim elbowed Sebastian in the ribs, "what?"
"Are we not boyfriends?" He gave his best 'puppy-dog' eyes, he was very good at this.
"No we are..."
"Yeah. That's good. It means I have two people again. Can I have some breakfast please?"

Much to Sebastian's surprise, Jim was good with kids. They had made their own sort of family, a mish-mesh of violence and death. Jim gave a week before his 'debut' and so had time to homeschool Dax whilst Seb was maintaining the illusion that Jim was still gone. He could hear them bicker sometimes and once or twice had had to break up a fight (Jim discovered that she was actually very deft at inflicting pain, much to his delight). Seb was most often outnumbered though. They needed vegetables , but his two kittens had out voted him- no vegetables on Wednesday. On the Friday, he'd come home and said "how are my kittens doing?"
"Why are we both kittens? I want to be a dragon."
"Yeah Sebastian, why a we both kittens?"
"Geez, it was just a pet name. No big deal." He dumped his stuff in their room.
"So are we not your kittens then?"
"Are you trying to drive me crazy?" They both smiled and high-fived each other.

Life was finally looking decent. He was living well, like She'd told him to.

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