The Payment

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Sebastian Moran had managed to successfully render the Jim Moriarty speechless.
They were still curled up against the wall, with Seb leaning on Jim, who had been stroking his tiger's hair all the way through the condensed telling.
"She sounded interesting. What was her hitman name?" Seb nuzzled closer.
"V, like the Roman numeral. Jim?"
"Do you know what the time is?" There was a pause before they both burst out laughing. Basher got up and pulled Jim to his feet also.

"Sorry for that. You don't need emotions shoved on you." Seb kissed the top of Jim's head before glancing at the kitchen clock, it was noon. Sebastian yawned before announcing this to Jim.
"Sebby darling, you need to clean up and have a small rest. Don't forget, there is still business to be done." Sebastian walked over to Jim, snaked his hands around the shorter man's hips, pulling him in for a kiss.
"Alright, no need to pout," he said pulling away, "I'll have a shower and then I have...?"
"An hour."
"Then I have an hour to rest before we continue with work." He kissed Jim's forehead again and started walking to shower. He turned to face Jim from the bathroom, "thanks. For sitting with me. It means a lot Kitten." Then he vanished to have his shower.

Neither of them were prone to bouts of affection. Given their jobs and their upbringing, it's not surprising why. Moriarty's mind was turning over and over. Sebastian had not only known, but been related to V? The V? Well, that certainly explained plenty. But, these...people (for there was no lesser insult he could afford them in that instance) had hurt his Tiger. His, as in, belonging entirely to Jim. No one else. He doesn't share. They had forced tears from his lover's beautiful eyes. They had smashed through his barriers and made Jim sit there to comfort him. James Moriarty did not deal with emotions. As in, never...ever.

They were (whoever they may truly be, for Sebastian had left that out) going to pay. They were going to have their payment shoved down their throat; burnt into their flesh; carved into their very organs. They were going to be subject to the most dangerous man in Britain (and half the world) at his most creative. Their corpses were going to be so...well, there were no adjectives to properly describe it, but they would be so whatever, that even the great Sherlock Holmes' mind would be confused- caught between delight at the challenge, the beauty of the craftsmanship, fury, that even he couldn't discover the true identity or motive, so frustrated that even he wouldn't know who had done this.

There was one small thing to be done first, and so, without a warning shout to his beloved Tiger, he promptly left their flat.

When he got out of the shower, he felt much better. Jim was not there, but that didn't bother him overly much at this point, he was always disappearing. No, Sebastian felt much better after his burning hot shower. He got himself dressed in something much more comfortable for him- he never really felt comfortable in his expensive suits, he was a military man. His dog tags, which he always wore, were nestled comfortably under his t-shirt and he thought -for whatever reason- about Her necklace. He remembered asking where She'd gotten it when he was younger and Her refusing to answer him. He'd asked again, when they were older and She'd said 'Sebastian. There is nothing wrong with trophies, as long as you make sure that they are either out of the way so the cops can't get anything on you, or become so well connected with yourself that they are yours. Yours and no one else's. It the same with people; there are some you trust, some you don't, and some that you make yours." She never explicitly told him, but after that, he didn't want to know. It must've been personal for her to wear it all the time so close to her heart.

His hour (because they all took breaks and lunches even in their line of work) came to a close with still no sign of Jim. This worried him. If anything, Jim was punctual, it was often one of the first things you learn about him- most often the hard way. Sebastian had no problem with this as he was a military man through and through. Calling Jim, however, would've been a fatal error if he was doing something important (another rule you learn early on the hard way if you're high up enough, that is). Therefore, Seb came to the conclusion that he would give Jim half and hour before he tried to call him. Then, if that failed (which it really oughtn't), then Colonel Sebastian Moran, Jim Moriarty's known right-hand man, would show up to the meeting and apologise for his boss' absence, some important business came up suddenly and had to be seen to.

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