Part the ninth

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Tommy woke up earlier than usual, it was what always happened when he was stressed and this most definitely bought cause for stress. He was tired but knew that he wouldn't be able to get back to sleep. He looked at David all tangled up in their sheets as he slipped from beneath the covers. He didn't want to wake him because these next couple of days would be hard especially if Vid's family were staying. They just bought back too many memories in him.
He was quiet as he put some form of clothing on, he was quiet as he went to the bathroom and he was quiet as he started at the sight of blood in their bath tub. He was quiet as he walked down the stairs and he was particularly quiet when he heard some conversation from the kitchen.

Everything was aching and everything was sore. With each step, Sebastian felt as though he were cracking like porcelain but he'd be damned if he couldn't hide it. She was darting round the kitchen quick and quiet as she made them some breakfast.
"You're awfully comfortable using someone else's kitchen."
A sly smirk, "I'm comfortable wherever as long as there is some safety to it."
"What now? Will we stay here or...?"
"Nope," she popped the 'p' as she took the pan off the hob,"We can't."
"You don't trust them?" They could both hear the light sarcasm in his voice.
"Please. No we'll have to find somewhere else. We can't stay, I'd like to be gone before they wake up and if we can't manage that, then we'll be gone before noon. Sound good?" She started plating up. Sebastian knew how to cook (despite it being quite against their Father's beliefs) she had taught him yet, no matter how he tried, she was better. To him, she was better than the cooks but that may just have been because it was so much more homely and rare.

"Where are we going to go?" Tommy approached the kitchen as quietly as he could manage and just caught this snippet of conversation.
"Really?! Can we even do that? I mean it'll be so..."
"Different, I know. But we can hack the system as per and as long as we adjust we should be fine." What was Zedd's? Was it a who? He didn't know. He was about to sneak upstairs but why should he? It's his house after all even if she did frighten him. Maybe she'd be better now that it was morning. He walked in and was slightly uncomfortable with the sight that greeted him. They were -the pair of them- sitting quite comfortably in the kitchen having a cooked breakfast as if they had done this many times before. The cheek! They were definitely relatives of his David.

He turned his head as David's partner walked in looking confused, shocked and as though he never wanted to leave his bed ever again.
"Morning" she called in a cheery voice. She was never like this, she must be trying to appear nice. He ought to try.
"Morning." It didn't sound nearly as good. His voice was gruff and deep -when wasn't it?- and most certainly not natural enough.
"Um...yeah..morning, I suppose."
"There's more bacon if you'd like some. I didn't know when you would be up so we just...sorted of...sorted ourselves out. Hope you don't mind." Even if she did sound genuine, even if he had only known her for less than a couple of hours, he would've been an utter fool to think that she minded in the slightest what he actually thought. Seb could tell that he was smart enough to know that she really didn't care.
"No, no it's fine." Sebastian watched as he walked over to the frying pan and got some bacon out. Turning to An, he gave her a look. She smiled back at him. If you could interpret what was being said, it would've been something like; 'can you believe this guy?'. 'Yeah I know. If he's that trusting, he must've had an easy life', would've been Sebastian's reply.

He could see them communicating silently. It was too early in the morning for this.
"What's Zedd?" Great! Why the fuck did he just say that? He was sure to do something wrong.
"None of your concern. Neither will we be shortly." She was so blunt
"Oh? Why?" Feigning innocence was probably one of his best talents. It had gotten him out of all kinds of trouble in the past.
"Well it isn't safe for all of us to be under one roof."
"What?!" He looked as confused as he felt ( which was very).
She sighed as though she were about to explain astro physics to a new born baby. She spoke in a similar, condescending tone which drove Tommy up the figurative wall, "our elder brothers will be hunting us down to bring us back to our father. Neither of us are past 18, so legally, we will have to oblige. It won't end well for us if that happens, he hates to be disappointed. And as for David, whilst father can't legally do anything, our brothers could end up paying visits. The law wouldn't do anything either if they did, we are taught to cover our tracks well."
The implications of the last couple of sentences really hit home for Tommy.
"You guys like the mafia or something?" His tone was mocking, but her reply was deadly serious.
"Or something, yeah."

Tommy sat and ate a quite tense breakfast with Sebastian and An. He noted that she spoke without any kind of respect for their father. Sebastian and David always spoke about him in a way that implied their fear for him but An, she spoke as though what he'd done had lost it's hold over her. There was little conversation but when it did come, it was strained and difficult. He knew they thought he'd lead an easy life, and he had. Compared to David, he'd always found his bickering family a blessing. Compared to these two though, he found himself imagining a hell worse than anything like David had left. It was just small things and they way they were. They flinched. They checked around them as though they were going to get caught.
After about an hour or so, they decided they'd leave.
"Wait, you can't just leave. I mean, you haven't even said goodbye to Vid. Besides, where will you go?" He found himself oddly worried for their safety.
"Dee wasn't saved. David won't want us around. And where we go is none of your concern. Goodbye Tommy. Take care of David, if you don't I'll be paying you a visit." They left him sitting in his kitchen confused and wondering what on earth he was going to tell Vid when he woke up.

"Where to now?"
"To Zedd's. We are going to see this plan through." Her wicked smile was infectious.
"Alright then."

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