Part the seventh

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Running. She was running for her life...and his.

She had to get there. It was the closest place and he was so heavy and she was so weary. No! She had to do this. She just had to. She pulled herself back to where she was, not far at all now.
She kept running. She kept carrying. Down all the twisted back routes, through the map that she'd made in her mind, like a sewer rat, evaluating which was the safest escape route. That needn't have even been a simile, for that's exactly why she had comprised the map.
There! She'd nearly gone passed it. Geez, she was tired, but no(!), she had to focus. Pulling out an illegal spare key, she opened the back door closing it, as quietly as was possible, with her foot. She'd memorised the layout of the house too. Not that it wasn't intruding but in case of emergencies and this definitely constituted the parameters of an emergency.
Out this door. Corridor. Left door. The island in the middle of the kitchen. She set herself these steps one at a time, with steadied breaths. She was so tired. But she had to focus.
She kicked the door as gently as possible, even if it was the last thing on her mind right now. Ah ha! The island. She laid his body down delicately and all but threw her back-pack to the floor. She wrenched open the zip and harshly yanked out the first aid kit. She slammed it next to him before whizzing round the kitchen to find the matches.

He woke up entangled in sheets with his lover who was sleeping soundly. So he wasn't the reason that he'd woken up. He lay back pondering what it had been, when he heard a noise downstairs. His heartbeat started to increase rapidly as he feared for their safety. They'd been found. He jumped from his bed quietly and padded over to his wardrobe.
"Babe?" He looked at his gorgeous sleep ruffled partner and gestured for him to be quiet. He put his hand behind the wardrobe feeling for it...there it was. He pulled his sleek gun out from behind it. His partner's eyes widened.
" Be careful"
He carefully made his way across the landing and down the stairs. He could hear his partner behind him. He turned to tell him to go back but there was a loud thump and he hurried.

Focus, FOCUS! She had to get him better, she had to. She couldn't think of the consequences. Roughly yanking the draw open, she found the matches and slammed it shut again. There was movement behind her and from the corner of her eye she saw the owner of the house and his partner.
"DU MUST MIR HELFEN!!" She didn't care what language, he knew.

The scene that greeted his eyes was as though a tornado had been let loose in his kitchen. Her furious cry had snapped his attention as he jumped to.

They worked together for around ten minutes. There was cauterising, stitching, cleaning, bandaging and lots of changes of bowls of water before she was satisfied. She picked up the body from the kitchen work top and walked to the living room to place him gently on the sofa.
She promptly collapsed on the floor next to said sofa.
"We're gonna need more alcohol and bandages"
"What happened?"
"I'll tell you afterwards." Her pain was obvious as this last bit was hissed (more than said) through gritted teeth. With that (and a look that chilled his heart), he spurred into action, pulling his jacket on, grabbing his keys and money.
"Wait, wait. What do you think you're doing? People break in, bleed everywhere, ask you to jump to and you do? This isn't you. You're not like this" his partner had grabbed him and turned him so they were face to face. "Vid, this isn't you"
The man called Vid looked at his partner. "Tommy, they're family. I have to do this. I won't be long. Keep care." Tommy had heard tales of his partner's family and immediately worried. But he knew his partner and this was his decision, so he resigned with a sigh.
"They'll be fine."
"It wasn't them I was worrying about" and with that Tommy was left in the house with two bleeding strangers.

When he returned to the living room there was only the boy on the sofa. He walked closer to get a better look. The boy nearly filled up the sofa, so he was either 15 or big for his age. His hair colour was difficult to determine as it was so covered in blood but...grrr. He whirled his head round to see the source of the growl -for it most definitely hadn't been the boy on the sofa- and sure enough he saw the girl glaring at him from the door way.
"I was just looking. I wasn't going to hurt him" her gaze didn't lessen. It was awful, so territorial, so primal. He backed away with his hands in the air.
"Better?" His voice was sarcastic and steady despite his inner fear. She nodded and walked over to the sofa and sat back down on the floor looking at the boy. Tommy took his chance to study her; she seemed small and slim but was clearly strong as she'd carried that boy. She was covered in blood so her age was also difficult to determine.
"You're staring" her voice was matter-of-fact.
"Sorry." His mind grasped things to say, to break the awkwardness which permeated the air. "Vid'll be back soon." Great, he thought definitely the right thing to say, not.
"Vid?" She huffed a laugh.
"What's so funny?" He could feel himself getting angry. "You've broken into our house, bleeding everywhere, ordered my boyfriend about, all without any manners"
Slithering up to a standing position, with the grace of a feline, she tilted her head with a sneer.
"I just never took David to have such a stupid nickname, is all."
"Oh" he felt quite ashamed of himself for losing it like that.
"Besides, I only reciprocate the manners shown to myself and Vid knows how to get out the bloodstains- he ought to remember." In spite of her exhaustion, she was able to pull herself up to this Tommy. If she wasn't able to quash her fears or fatigue, how would she have gotten anything done? She decided to have some fun to keep herself awake.
Tommy watched as she bent down and pulled something from...somewhere? He couldn't tell. As she'd bent down, blood had bloomed further on her clothes telling him that not all of that blood was from the boy. He saw her pad carefully across the room towards him, looking through her lashes.
"So....exactly how long have you been with him?" The words were drawn out in a predatory sense, never before had he felt his heart race so fast- he wasn't even 100% sure as to why.
"6 years" his voice was steady. She slightly raised her eyebrow and faced him fully.
"That's since he left. An awful long time," there was a painfully long pause in which she -somehow- was closer than before, "what makes you think, that you even deserve him?"
Tommy was completely caught off guard.
"What?! You're...asking me," was she trying to protect him? His mind was reeling, and before he knew it, he was up against the wall with a knife at his throat. He felt her breath on his neck, and could feel her blood-soaked clothes.

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