Part the fourteenth

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Things had been slowly mounting to this point. The past 3 and a half, in fact pretty much the past 12 years had been building up to this point. The point in which one night, as they were all in their base-house, she looked at them with an odd look on her face and was able to say; "this is the last step". Obviously, it had been an incredibly long journey as they'd had to make it seem as though they were dead and it was someone else trying to get revenge. It had been a slippery road as well.

Exactly 3 years ago:
Shit! She was going to go completely mental. He'd managed to get himself in a police cell for the night. It hadn't been anything overtly bad, simply a dare gone wrong with friends, but they had accidentally got caught up in something far more serious and it wasn't looking good for any of them.
"Can I make a call please? I need to let my folks know where I am at least." He gave his best-worried face to the officer who huffed.
"Fine. But I'll be monitoring you of course."
"Of course." When he reached the cord phone on the wall, his fingers flew across the buttons, dialling her number. She picked up after one ring.
", um I am safe for the night so don't worry too much., some friends and I are, may or may not be in the station right now. So don't wake the parents up ok?" He'd had to make it sound as normal as possible.
"Oh my fucking god Tiger. I'll sort this and then you owe me ok? Hold on I'll check out the scene. Anything else?" He looked at the officer monitoring his call.
"Just that there's a web in my room and I'd like it gone by the time I get home." It was their awful code. It didn't even make sense, yet it got them out of trouble. A web meant someone was watching or listening.
"Alrighty. Well, I'll see you later, bye." She hung up. He looked at the phone not sure whose safety he feared for more: the entirety of the police station, Zedd who she would undoubtedly contact next, or himself.

She was texting Zedd. They were still at the house and maintained the pretence that they had absolutely nothing to do with one another.
'Sebastian got himself in trouble R.'
'Oh. I had Plans. Z'
'Sorry R.'
'Well R, I think it's ok. Pretty sure she cancelled :( Z '
'OMG Z. Well good behaviour is always rewarded ;) R'
'Usual? Z'
'Yup R.'

When they met up as they usually did, he immediately sensed something different in her.
"What?" She gave a wicked grin.
"We can start phase 2" with that, she turned around and got to work on the computer.
"I've had a look at exactly what happened with Seb and it's fine, as long as his DNA doesn't show up. You know," she turned to look at him here, "because of his earlier jobs and the botched up ones."
"Oh right, yeah. So...what's phase 2?" Even he could hear the excitement in his voice.
"Patience dear, patience."

He didn't know what to think. He knew she wouldn't leave him, but she'd sounded royally pissed off. Sitting his cell, thinking of various different grim prospects, the lights went off. He looked up dreading what exactly what was going to happen. The was some hubbub before everyone quietened down- a recording had started playing. It was the crackly sort and echoed slightly in the dark quiet of the station. When the voices started to speak, he felt as though he was going to be violently sick. It was her voice, but from when she was younger, probably about 3. She sounded wounded.
"Daen?... you think anyone will...find us?" There was a shuffling sound followed by a small huff.
"Why..would anyone *cough* find us?"
"This is the longest He's ever left any of us. You really angered Him."
"Someone try." There was a coughing bout after this followed by a worried sounding An.
"Daen, calm down shhh." All anyone could hear was shuffling and the sounds of bloody coughs before it went completely silent. A single, warped robotic voice followed; "Hickory, Dickory, Dock."
The lights all turned on and there was completely stunned silence: which didn't last long, there was such a commotion that all the boys were let go with the words of not to leave town until things had been sorted. Had his mind not been reeling, he would've known that everything for him was sorted.

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