The Necklace

221 16 4

About 7 months ago.

Jim Moriarty was bored. This meant one of the following; someone was going to get tortured and murdered, someone was going to get roughly fucked against the wall or the flat was going to end up spotless. Seb was out on a job so neither of the first two were likely. Despite his hatred for getting his hands dirty, cleaning the house was the course of action that he took. Whenever he did this (which was most definitely not often) he always started in the bathroom, then the spare, their bedroom, the living room and then the kitchen.

After some time of thorough cleaning, he came to their bedroom, cleaning the side furthest from the door -the only logical way to set about such a task- he made his way to Seb's bedside table. He pulled out the little top drawer to make sure it was thoroughly cleaned. Pulling out the contents he laid them on the bed: lube, gun, spare ammunition for the gun, knife (geez Sebby, how many weapons do you need in your bedside table?) and a small brown box.

Jim had never seen this box before. It was slightly worn around the edges telling him it wasn't new, it smelt of Seb's tobacco and was in his drawer in the bedroom- so not a trophy then. Mr James Moriarty is not one to shy away from something he finds infinitely interesting so he opened the box. He pulled out a necklace. It was a worn wooden pendant of an oak leaf on a dull green cord. It was too small to be made for a man so it was likely a woman's.
He knew that Seb had slept around (with members of both genders) yet, there had never been any evidence of a long term partner. His thorough search of his employee had lead him to no good relations with any female relative so...

"Boss?" Sebastian was standing at the doorway and had obviously come in without Jim hearing.
"What do you think you're doing?"
"Never had you pegged down as the sentimental type Sebby darling. This a girlfriend's then? Hmm? Who was she, you know how I don't like competition." He watched as his Tiger's face just fell. There was a look in his eyes that he had never seen on his Tiger before. Many people said that he had this look but never his Sebastian. Sebastian looked dead and threatening to go with it. Put as simply as possible, Jim Moriarty was scared (not that he would ever admit to it or any other feeling).
"Put that back and leave it. Never touch it. It. Vanishes. For. You." Jim slowly put it back in the box and then back in the drawer. But Sebastian still didn't look right. He grabbed his knife from the bed and walked out the room so Jim just trailed after him.
"I won't be too long." Sebastian just left. Jim knew that someone was going to be in a lot of pain before Sebastian came home, it was his way of coping with some things. As confused as he was, Jim was most definitely not bored anymore.
Sebastian was one of the least boring people.

Jim Moriarty was going to get to the bottom of this.

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