Part the fifteenth

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The boys made sure to finish what they'd all started and keep their promises- and they did it. They destroyed Augustus Charbonneau, one of the wealthiest men in Britain at the time. They looked through the memory stick back at their base (as it were) and realised that with all the information She'd obtained, it would take less than a week.

Her death bought about the cracking point for Sebastian and seeing their father loose pretty much everything overnight, meant that he no longer commanded anything from Sebastian; not his fear, obligation, sentiment...nothing. A hold had been completely lifted from him.

Without Her, their lives felt empty. They had to find a way to disappear, to run away from the memories of her and so, carrying a bit of her with them at all times, they decided to join the army.
They did this two weeks after her death.
Two weeks after they buried her in the way she'd chosen- a biodegradable coffin next to her sister (who was not buried in the family plot), with a headstone of their choice.
One week after they'd completed the plan.
One week after they'd sorted out her art, giving it to a very respectable gallery curator called Theo Roberts -a man who had a beautiful sister and niece, a man who had no place to belong in a rough world like the Charbonneau's.
One week after they'd sorted themselves out and actually signed up with new identities as the brothers they felt themselves to be, under Her constant protection. They became Her boys, the Morans.
Five days after Stan disappeared from the house.
Four days after Zedd denied knowing his whereabouts.
Three days after they cleared all the things from the flat that he and An had shared (most of which went to a man named Theo and his sister or two men in love, one named David, one named Tommy).
Two days after they left town for where they were going to live in their new lives.
One day after the 21st birthday of two girls who would never see it; twin girls with the same face, same voice and the same fate. Two girls whose names were Gereldaen and Roman Charbonneau. The first, who died too young and yet, who still became one of the most famous people in the city. The second, who never existed yet, who was the most infamous criminal/ hitman. Two girls, who were finally, after 18 years, reunited.

Having been bought up in strict military routines all his life, Sebastian adjusted seamlessly to the 'new' lifestyle. Zedd, who had been bought up around many people, also adapted immeasurably fast. Already adept at many of the skills, they excelled and advanced as quickly as possible through the ranks of the army. Zedd and Sebastian Moran were known for their ability to command men through fear and compassion in equal measures; they had each other's backs all the time and were incredibly smart and skilled. Many men envied their skills and the way they could put a 'barrier' between them and their emotions to get the job (however nasty) done. Perhaps, it was this last quality which lead General Zedd Moran and Colonel Sebastian Moran 's men to abandon them when they were taken hostage and presumed MIA by all the other officials.

The boys -Her boys- were alive, however. They suffered horrible torture, both physical and (occasionally) mental. Their captors were surprised at how they coped, for, they didn't know that all their lives, these boys had done whatever it took to get what they wanted done. Their captors forced them to torture other people (which both of Her boys were very skilled at) and, perhaps, they would've employed the boys' services if they hadn't made their mistake.
They let Zedd die.
To each to them, they had been the only thing holding them back; having the other's life dangled in front of them had kept their selective skills at bay. But no longer. Despite being covered in his own blood, despite being in an 'unfit' state (to say the least), despite having been tortured for around a year, Sebastian Moran was perfectly able to murder each of them. He was still perfectly able to make each and every one of them scream out valuable information.

Sebastian 'Basher' Moran walked out of the compound he'd been held in, with a head full of calculations and plans, and selected the vehicle most likely to get him where he wanted to go. He was going to ruin every single one of the bastards that had left him and his brother-in-arms, his brother-in-all-but-blood; every single one of them who'd left him with only the photo from his top pocket as a memory of his An and Zedd -the only real family he'd known. They'd been the only constants aside from pain and those bastards had just let them disappear. Hijacking a 4by4, he looked at the photo from Zedd's pocket, it was of him and An just looking happy. He looked at that photo, and with his veins alive with thunder, started to plan in his head as he drove off.

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