Part the sixth

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"Now come on. Let's get some work done." Zedd's voice pulled him out of his daze and back to where they actually were.
"Yeah. Sorry."
"It's ok. " With that, Zedd started to instruct Sebastian on what to do with the rifle. And that's how the remainder of the day went, aiming at random points from a rooftop.

"Holy fuck-bucket, you're a fast learner" Zedd laughed and Seb saw why she was friends with him. "That's , what, one of the best shots ever and you've only been doing this for a couple of hours? You're a natural"
At that moment, Seb heard sirens in the distance. They didn't seem to be too far away. Without really thinking what he was doing, he adjusted the rifle, aimed and pulled the trigger. The car flipped over completely.
"What the fuck? Jesus Christ Sebastian! Fuck we've got to pack up now, not matter how awesome that was. Come on"
Zedd pulled him as they dismantled the rifle and made to get away. The door was blocked by a rather pissed off An.
"And just where do you think you're going?" She had adopted a light tone but they both heard the sincerity behind her words. No doubt in Seb's mind that they both looked like rabbits caught in headlights.
"An, this isn't a game. They'll know where the shot came from" Zedd seemed to be having a small melt down.
"Yes. They will figure this out in approximately 5 minutes and so be here in about...ooh...10 minutes at the fastest."
" Then let's go."
"If you two are going to go shooting cop cars and other things, you'll need to be able to escape in all routes possible." Now came the grin as she glanced over to the other buildings. They were in a fairly built up area with most of the buildings close together. That's when it clicked for Seb. She looked at the pair of them, carefully taking the rifle to put it in her bag. She started picking up the casings. The boys followed suit which made short work of it, not much longer than a minute. Turning her to ask what now, they both saw her jump off the roof .

Eyes wide, veins pumping with worry, Sebastian ran to the edge and peered over. She was grinning smugly up at them both. The Charbonneau's were a very competitive family, so, not to be outdone by his sister, Sebastian took a few steps back. He ran at the ledge and before he had a chance to stop himself, jumped off.

His stomach turned in a way both terrifying and exhilarating. He felt free but also so scared. His mind was reeling and just in time he remembered to roll once he hit the next roof.
The jarring impact was almost too much even when he did roll. He blinked tears out of his eyes to see her hand outstretched towards him.
"That's...." He had to catch his breath after that. She huffed a small laugh.
"Amazing? Horrible?" She supplied.
"That's why you're always covered in bruises." Her laughter was glorious, especially due to its rarity.
"Come on. They'll see us if we stay here" piped up Zedd. He appeared to have landed much better than Seb had. "We can talk later." There was a grin on his face.
"Ready for more?" Sebastian felt himself adopt a similar sort of grin- something new.

He didn't know how long they ran over rooftops but it got easier as he learnt how to do it. His body adapted to it well, they all did. There would be many bruises and scrapes the next day. That thought was at the back of his mind as he flew and jumped through the air. He saw the town in a different way and he loved it. The rush - which he later came to know as adrenaline- was one of the best things ever.

Eventually, they stopped gasping for breath. She nodded her head and Seb knew they were headed back down to earth now. They climbed down the emergency exit of their current building. Their breaths started to slow.
When on ground floor, he saw that they were in an alley somewhere. His stomach growled loudly at that point and the others' heads turned towards him. All three of them burst into fits of laughter which hurt their stomachs so much more. Once they'd regained their composure, she said " come on" before jumping out into the street. The boys had nothing to do but follow her down a street and to a small park, where she promptly sat down without warning.
"Huh?" Zedd titled his head in confusion.
"Sit down", she smiled at them dumbly standing. Gaining their senses, the boys sat down in front of her as though waiting for something. She unzipped her back pack, and pulled out a stripy plastic bag, zipping it shut immediately afterwards. Probably so no one saw the sniper hidden inside.
"Aww! Sandwiches" Zedd exclaimed as though he hadn't eaten in years. They promptly settled down to the sandwiches which gave our Tiger a chance to think. He was the 15th son of one of the wealthiest men in England (an awful man),he was only 4, yet here he was, with his sister running from the police for shooting their tyres with a sniper rifle. All this was in the same day as their older brother had been brutally beaten and disowned for being gay and the same day that Seb saw Elizabeth...
"Oh yeah" they looked up at him and he realised he'd said it out loud. Her look told him to tell them. He glanced at Zedd. She did too, then back to Sebastian, meaning that he could share in front of him.
" Earlier, when you were playing your part, I thought that I ought to play mine so I went to look for Darla in her room. I realised I didn't know which room was hers so thought that if I listened, I'd hear her healing her wounds. I heard a small gasp and walked into that room thinking it was hers. It wasn't."
"What did you see? Exactly." The last word was enunciated. Every syllable heard.
"Two people. Both brunette. Together. They weren't facing the door and I was quiet so I doubt they saw me. I think it was Elizabeth." Her eyebrows knitted in thought. Zedd seemed focused on his sandwich.
" Hey can I go get us a drink?" They looked up at him.
"Sure, neither of us mind what kind. Do you need some change?" His face reddened, he was embarrassed at this. She handed him a fiver from her pocket that neither boys had noticed earlier.
"Fill me in" and with that he was gone.
"He knows his place" Sebastian observed. An smiled at him.
" You're learning fast." She looked around the small park "he told you didn't he?" This, was not a question.
" This is why Tiger. Why we have to be careful who we're associated with. What we do. I...He will do anything to protect what He sees as His and everyone else be damned." She had started crying behind her hair so no one would disturb them. He went over and hugged her. "I have to protect them. And you. The best way I can. That's the job I was given and I will see it fulfilled."
"Then I will help you. It will be our job."
" You're only 4. I don't want to hurt you"
"An. You're 10. You shouldn't have had to put up with that...with any of it. I am only 4 but I will help you. Besides, after what you let me do today, I highly doubt you can pull that sort of stuff on me."
"Ok then we'll do this together. The 2 of us"
"Ech-hem" Zedd stood over them with 2 bottles of sprite. "The 3 of us"
"You don't even know what you're agreeing to" she said incredulously.
"You've been crying. I can guess" he received a bitter smile for this. "I presume you have a plan."
"As per. But plausible deniability for you two" Seb frowned in confusion. He was only 4 after all and didn't know everything. "It means I don't tell you so that if you're caught, you don't know". He hated being left out of things, yet this seemed sensible and she wasn't going to let up- he could tell. They sat for a little longer, just chatting.
"We should go. Its nearly 3. We'll see you tomorrow Zedd"

Aching all over, this morning felt like a lifetime ago. It had simultaneously been one of the best and worst days ever. There was a plan though and she had included him. He couldn't replace An's lost sister, but he would help her fulfil her promise. And now his.
He would help his sister and best friend. He would help her avenge the worst atrocity their Father had committed yet.
He would help break his Father.

The next few years went like this for them, meeting up with Zedd, training...and slowly unravelling a plan to break their Father and keep a promise made in the heat of desperation.

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