The Green Haired Boy

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The path to Stark Mountain was like it usually was; windy, sandy, dry, and then all of a sudden BAM, it was tropical.  Then it starts raining ash and it gets all gross.

"Okay I am getting ash in my hair, I am not going any further."  Silver says, wiping fallen ash off of his head.

"Oh come on," Gold says, "Can we go a bit further?"  He must have breathed in ash because he starts coughing.

"Ha, that's what you get."  Says Silver with his arms crossed.

"Hey, there's only a little bit further until we get to lava, I'd watch it if I were you."

"Says the one who lost a battle to me."  Silver smirks a bit.

"I am 500% done with you guys."  I say, sitting down to rest on a log.

Gold and Silver begin bickering like a married couple over how the match was unfair, with Silver pointing out that Gold picked a crap Pokemon since he knew that Silver possessed water type Pokemon, and with Gold saying Silver did it on purpose.  I'm looking around at the beautiful landscape and within the rain of ash I spot a figure walking this direction.

He -I can tell it is a "he" because of the way he holds himself is obviously masculine, and also the height- is coming down from the volcano, towards where we are at.  The guys don't notice him though.  Nor do they notice me walking toward him.

As I get closer, I can see that he has green hair.  What is with this place and people having colorful hair?  Is it a genetic mutation or do they color it?  I'll have to ask Silver sometime.  Silver has luscious hair.

The boy with green hair seems a bit sad.  He notices me and nods a bit.  I nod back.  Gotta stay cool.

"Uhm, hello, green-haired boy."  I say, smiling, trying to seem nice.

"Yes, hello.  Uh.  Do you know where the nearest Pokemon Center is?"  He asks.  He seems a bit awkward, like he isn't really a people person.  I think it's just this aura that is radiating off of him.  He also looks like he would be better looking in a hat.

I point in the direction of where we came from is.  "It's that way, but we are about to head back, so you can walk with us if you want?"

Green haired dude stops and thinks.  "Alright I suppose, as long as you hurry, I need to be there soon."  He rubs his hand over a Rubik's cube wood thing that he has on his belt.  I don't bother asking about it because that would be rude so I take him back to the others.  Also, I don't particularly care.

Silver, as usual, doesn't bother to say anything, but instead, stands there with his arms crossed and watches the conversation go down.  

Gold, on the other hand, decides to be outgoing and asks loads of questions before I can begin to tell them that we have to hasten.  

"Yea no, shut up Gold, we need to go now, come on, we can talk on the way."  Green hair guy smiles to thank me and we begin our journey back to the Pokemon Center near my villa.

As we walk I wonder what this mysterious guy's name is.  And other basic questions like, where the hell is he even from.  It was silly for me to not even wonder in the first place, I guess I was slightly distracted I don't really know.

"So, what IS your name?"  I decide to ask him after a minute or so of walking.

"Oh my name is King N... or well, former King anyway, I suppose that title is gone now, along with my castle..."  He trails off and the three of us are a little surprised.  We just decide to think that he was joking.

"Oh now, but really, what's your name and where are you from?"  I ask again.

He sighs, "My name really is N, and I'm from Unova.  My father was a "Buttface", as I do recall my friend saying, and we were supposed to have liberated Pokemon together, but I was shown the error of our ways and brought to see the light, by a friend..."

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