To Celestic Town

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"Those fucking shit ass bitches I am going to whoop them up so much mother fucker."  

That is what the boys had to hear the whole boat ride to Snowpoint City.  Every time I cussed I'm pretty sure a Butterfree somewhere lost its wings and also N flinched.  Gold and Silver sat over in the corner and laughed a bit.  Team Galactic has crossed a line with this.  And I am so done.

I don't think that I had ever been as angry as this before this point.  I mean, I have definitely been stressed a whole lot, and having to face my father once before was hard enough, and I thought he was done and had given up and that when he said he was going to get revenge, that that was just a bluff.  But, I was wrong, and now I'll have to deal with him again.  

Assumable, Team Galactic is going to be bigger and better than they were the previous time.  I will probably also have to preplan my whole attack strategy.  And as I think of that, sitting in an armchair beneath the boat with the others, they mention that as well.

"So, what's the plan, man?"  Gold asks predictably.  

"I would like to somehow ambush them in their headquarters, but that may or may not work, especially since we are greatly outnumbered and I'm sure they have planned for something like that to happen because they wouldn't have let me escape otherwise.  So the fact that they allowed me to survive is an obvious clue as to what their plan of action is."

"Interesting.  You have clearly put some thought into this.  Did you use any formulas to figure this out?"  N smiles to himself like that was some sort of inside joke to himself but he was also quite serious at the same time.

"No, I didn't I just used common sense."  I state, standing up again because the boat begins to slow, announcing our arrival in Snowpoint.


In the city, we stock up on food a bit because we obviously all can't fly on one Pokemon and not all of us brought a flying type with them.  So, we are going to walk all of the way.  To wherever it is we are going.  Celestic Town would be my first choice because it's just right at the end of the snowy route whatever that Snowpoint comes from.

I say hello to Candice, who is out and about, as we make our way to Route 217.  As usual, it is snowing and I am cold.  I let my Ninetails out so she can walk by me and keep my legs warm.  I then decide to just let all my Pokemon out.  If they draw attention to us then oh well.  I wouldn't think any Galactic grunts would want to be out in the cold anyway.

The others like my idea of having the Pokemon out to stretch and stuff so they all let their Pokemon out as well.  N hesitates before he does anything, but then he decides to let out his Zoroark and his other Pokemon that he must have arrived in Sinnoh on.

It was a Zekrom.  I've only ever read about those and seen them on the computer but they are supposed to be legendary Pokemon of Unova.  

"How did you get that, N?"  I gesture to the Pokemon.

"Well, it's a long story-"  

"And this is a long walk..."  

"I uh, sort of was chosen.  Ideals and whatever..."

"Ideals?  What do you mean?"

N glances back at the two others who were talking, but probably also had an ear on us.  "I'll tell you when they aren't listening."

I nod.  That will probably be a while.

We walk a little longer, with my Lugia and N's Zekrom flying above us and the other Pokemon running at our sides.  They are all having fun playing in the snow.

We pass a few houses, but nobody is outside.  Probably because it's so freaking cold.  

At around sunset, we reach the cave, going inside, it's only a short bit until we reach the side that comes out at Celestic Town.  I was here just a few months ago.   I battled Cyrus here.  I can't believe they got back together so quickly.   Why would there still be a lot of loyal grunts to Cyrus?

And that's when it hit me.

"Guys,"  I say, as we are walking to the Pokemon Center.  "Cyrus can't have that many followers left. He was defeated by me... we might have a chance against all of them."  How am I just thinking of this now?  

"Well I would think that we would still be pretty outnumbered, even if many left."  Silver responded.

"How many original members were there?"  N inquires.

"I would have to say over five hundred at least."  I state, scratching the back of my head and then going to heal my Pokemon that I have returned back to their balls.

N looks out the window to see his Pokemon waiting outside.

"Oh."  He says dreamily.

"Yea."  I say.

We all rest a bit and have some snacks and then head outside, of course only to find more people running around.

"WHAT IS IT THIS TIME?!?!"  I yell, aggravated at the world.

A women, this time, stops and points in the direction of the ruins.

"There's been an explosion!"  She yells.

"Great."  I say sarcastically, turning to the others, "Better go check it out."

They nod and follow me down the steps to the Town Ruins.

AN:  OOOOOoooooh, parallel episode, how spooky omg.  And yea, I know this is a short chapter but I had to post something before I leave for Indianapolis this weekend.  Well the next chapter I promise to make better written and longer AND more interesting.


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