At the Spear Pillar

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"You take the high road, I'll take the low road..."  I tell the others, pointing at where they should all go to.

"Uhmm, I believe you did not use that in the way it was mean, it actually means-"  N corrects me but I once again cut him off.

"Don't care, Harmonia."  I sit there, thinking of a plan.  Gotta do something good.  "Yea, no, okay yes, Gold, Silver."  I look to each of them.  "You guys are going to teach all of the assbutts in the mountain a lesson while N and I work our way to the top.  Either you can catch up later or we'll come and find you when we're done, it doesn't matter."  

"I'm down with that."  Gold nods.

"So we just take care of all of the strays basically, all the ones that you don't have to mess with, the ones that are out of your way and don't really even matter then.  Sounds a bit pointless if you ask me."  challenges Silver.

We quietly tip-toe to an entrance of the cave.

"Well, I didn't ask you, Silver.  Besides I told you you could go home if you wanted to and you didn't.  Not my problem bro."

I can pretty much just feel Silver rolls his eyes.  I don't even have to turn around.  Gold chuckles softly to himself.

"Whatever."  Is his reply.

I shrug.  

That's what I thought.  

I gesture to Gold and Silver to go and take care of the grunts that are guarding the entrance while N and I sneak in.  

Walking through, into the cave, my thoughts unintentionally swim back to that of the dream I had a few days ago.  Cyrus -my father- he only ever began to get worse when his plan started to not go his way.  Basically, I was the cause of it.  I ruined his plan, but, I also saved thousands of people's and Pokemon's lives by preventing him from creating his own utopia.  

That's something to be proud of, I suppose.

***Back, following Gold and Silver who are going through the mountain***

"Well that was tedious."  Silver says, wiping his hands together.

"I guess."  Gold says, "I mean, I'd get used to it though, cause we gotta do it about thirty more times."

Silver sighs.  "I know."

The two of them walk through the cave, staying off the main path where Venus and N were going, and look for more Team Galactic folks.

Gold fakes a yawn and stretches his arm over Silver's shoulder as they're walking.

Tensing up a bit at Gold's touch, Silver asks in monotone, "What are you doing."

"I'm stretching,"  replies Gold, obviously.

Silver pauses.  "Yes, but, you have your arm over my shoulder."

"What's your point?"  Asks Gold.  

"Well I just think it's a little strange of you to-  OW!!!"  Silver's leg buckles beneath him and both his hands fly to his ankle.

Gold's arm quickly switches positions in an attempt to catch Silver or slow down his decent.  

"Silver!  What happened?  Are you alright??"  

Silver bites his lip, attempting to ease the pain in his ankle.  He sucks in a deep breath.  

"I stepped on my foot wrong."  He says quickly.  "I think I twisted my ankle."  He sucks in another breath of air through his clenched teeth.  With tightly shut eyes, he grips at his ankle.

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