The Parting of Ways

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AN:  I know, I know.  I should have probably given N more lines, but you know, N's a hard character to portray and he's really introverted so that makes it really hard for me.   I guess that makes me not a very good writer, but oh well.  Also, I need to start writing in third person because this first person crap is annoying now what the hell.   So yea, I'll try to write in third person, starting after I finish this story.  I actually have one original story, one Hetalia AmericaxEngland fanfic, and one Tahnorra oneshot cooking up.  And they will all be in third person so that's good.  I'll post the Tahnorra thing after I finish up this story.  There's an epilogue after this chapter so that won't take me very long to write.  Anyway though, thanks for reading and all that.  


On the way back to the Center at the Resort Area, Gold and Silver ride on my Lugia, and N and I ride together.  Gold and Silver are flying beside us and I can see Silver's head resting on Gold's back.  "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww."

N sits behind me and we actually start talking about some pretty awkwardly deep stuff...

"You know, Leaf- I mean Venus, sorry, I really enjoyed this adventure.  It really got my mind off of things, so thank you so much for that.  And also, thank you again for listening to my dramatic back story and actually caring about it.  It means a lot to me.  Oh man, if Leaf heard me talking like that she would call me so cliche you have no idea."  

"Yea, that was pretty cheesy, though I appreciate it you know.  You've been a good friend to me, though I'd assume that you'll be leaving after this won't you."

N hangs his head a bit.  "Leaving is easy, telling people goodbye is the hard part.  But yes, I won't be seeing you for a while after this, I hate to say."  He smiles a sad smile.

"So I guess you'll just leave to do whatever it is you have to do, right when we land then.  You'll tell the others bye and then go on your way.  What exactly are you going to do?"

"Yes, I'll be leaving shortly after we land.  And I'm going to study the ruins in this region for a while, find out as much as I can about the mysteries of Pokemon and how they interact with the energy around them.  Also, I believe there may be some ruins in Johto that would also be interesting to visit as well.  I will probably check up on some of Team Plasma too... I am still their king, after all, and it is part of my duty to guide them."

"Well okay, just don't let them turn into another Rocket or Galactic Team, dear god."

"Ha, yea."


Landing at the Pokemon Center, I return Lugia and Giratina, thanking them, then I turn to gaze up at the hill where my villa was, expecting to see it.

"Son of a bitch, I forgot it burnt down."

As Gold is walking Silver into the Center, he hears me and his ears perk up.  

"YOU CAN COME LIVE WITH ME!  OR SILVER!  Cause, you know, I'm going home with him after this.  Gotta make sure my bud doesn't trip over a box or something."  Silver glares at him.  "OR SILVER AND I CAN MOVE IN TOGETHER AND YOU CAN COME LIVE WITH BOTH OF US!!!"  Gold grins childishly while Silver just shakes his head, pointing to the Center that he needs to get in to.  N chuckles.

"As appealing as that offer sounds, I'll just move somewhere else, or just travel the world or something.  Maybe I won't hang up my cap, I could try to become World Champ or something.  Now that my house is gone -sniff sniff- I don't have anything holding me back"

"Follow your dreams man."  says Gold.  Silver rolls his eyes again.

N shrugs, "I would travel too if I were in your place."

"I think it'll be fun..."  Everyone nods, quiet for a moment until Silver complains.

"Okay!  Come on!  I need to see the nurse, hurry the hell up!"

Gold laughs at Silver's annoyance.  

"Alright Silver," Gold says, "But I think N is about to leave, yea?"

N nods and walks over to them, pulling Gold and Silver into an awkward group hug, telling them his goodbyes.  They also say bye and Gold and Silver then go into the Center, waving after N, who then comes up to me.

He wraps his arms around me and hugs me tightly.  "You were great you know."

"I guess,"  I hug him back.

"Some day I hope that you and Leaf will get to meet."

"Again, anyway, I met her a few years ago, but yea, it'd be cool to see the two of you together."

"...Yes, I suppose it would."  He lets go of me.  "I'll see you again some day."

"Oh quit it with your cliche ass goodbye."  I kid.

He laughs, releasing his Zekrom and climbing onto it.  "Bye, Venus."  He waves, as the Zekrom and him fly away.

I imagine what it was like to be Leaf, watching as the one she loved flew off, not knowing if he'd ever return or not.  It must have been horrible.  But I firmly believe that I will meet N -and Leaf for that matter- some time again...

Smiling, I watch as they fly away until they are nothing more than a speck in the sky.

Best go check on Gold and Silver now.

I need to be sure that I get a picture of them making out or something.

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